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Winter frowns to herself as she snuggles into Wednesday's jacket that he gave her.

The sky is dark and she knows she should go to bed but she doesn't want to.
She looks at the TV and sighs.

She hasn't seen Wednesday for a whole week and it's making her a little sad.
She doesn't understand why he would kiss her but then just disappear.
She checks the park every single day after work but she always ends up sitting in the tree by herself staring out into the sunset, feeling lonely and like a loser.

She's starting to think that she was just Wednesday's rebound to help him get through his break up.

She can't help but wonder if he found someone else prettier than her or cool than her.

Winter takes a deep breath and holds back tears.

The past week of work has been hard.
Jack won't stop bothering her. Everyday he says something inappropriate, tries to touch her or asks her out on another date.

Winter's so sick of it. She wishes she could just punch him in his stupid face but she doesn't want to lose her job.
She's also become slightly afraid of him and what he might be planning to do to her but she tries to ignore those feelings and act tough.

She's always been tough. Even when she was a little girl she was tough. She refused to let bullies get to her. She always tried to look past her problems.

The other day Jack came into her office and touched her thigh several times.

By the time she was able to go home she felt extremely uncomfortable and emotional.
She drove as quick as she could to the park in hopes that Wednesday would finally be there.
But again he wasn't so Winter just cried alone up in the tree.


Winter grabs the bucket of ice cream she's been eating and takes another spoonful.
Her eyes are slightly red from being tired and her hair is a mess but she doesn't care.

She finally decides to look at the clock.
3 a.m. it reads.

Winter growls at her decision to finally go to bed.
She has a photoshoot tomorrow with a band and she knows she'll need to able to focus.

She drags herself lazily to her bed and pulls the covers over herself.

She rolls over and tries to find a comfortable position when suddenly something sharp scratches her leg.
She hisses as she throws off the covers.

She looks and realizes it's her sketchbook.

She bites her lip as she grabs it and flips to the page with her first Wednesday drawing.

"Wednesday would think I'm such a creep," Winter chuckles as she flips the page and looks at the seven other drawings of him.

She bites her lips as she stares into his realistic looking eyes.

Deep down she just hopes he's okay and that she'll be able to see him again soon.

She smiles lightly as she puts her sketchbook back in its drawer.
She turns of the bedside lamp and cuddles into the soft sheets as she allows sleep to overwhelm her.


Winter groans as her alarm clock screams obnoxious.

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