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Winter bites her lip nervously as Wednesday leaves her to go talk to his band.

Winter walks over to her friends and brushes her hair out of her face.

"Hey," they smile as she leans against the wall.

"Hey," Winter replies as she smiles back.

"He likes you," Megan comments as she looks over at Wednesday.

"You can tell?" Winter gasps.

"Of course I can. Just read his body language. First he's all flirty with you, then he takes his shirt off for like no reason. I saw him mutter some stuff to you while you were taking pictures. Every time you where busy looking at the pictures he would bite his lip ring and stare at you. He got Jack to piss off. Then he pulls you into a corner and he took every chance to look at you and hold your hand. I saw him whisper some stuff to you. It's so obvious! He's not even trying to hide it. I can tell he wants everyone to know," Megan says in a duh tone as she uses her fingers to list all the things.

Winter smiles as she looks over at Wednesday and notices him laughing at something Troy said.

"You really think he's trying to make it obvious," Winter questions.

"Girl are you blind!?! He stops your shoot to take his shirt off and he stared at you the whole time while doing it. We're in a room full of people so he's definitely not trying to hide it," Megan snorts.

"Really? He was staring. I thought I was the only one staring," Winter smiles.

Megan and Kate burst into laughter.

"Is this the first time a guy has shown legitimate interest in you?" Kate asks.

"I mean yeah. Obviously I've had my fair share of horny dudes that just want to get my pants but never ones that were generally interested in me," Winter sighs.

"Aww. You have so much to learn," Kate smiles.

Winter laughs.

"Yeah clearly this is foreign territory," Winter smiles.

Suddenly an arm plops down on her shoulder and she looks up and sees Death's long black hair.

"So what are we laughing about?" Death asks.

Kate and Megan snicker.

"Winter didn't realize Wednesday was putting on a show for her," Kate laughs.

"Seriously? Girl you gotta get your head out from under that rock," Death teases.

"Ha, ha, ha, I'm so amused," Winter says sarcastically with an eye roll.

"So when did you guys meet?" Megan asks.

"In the woods at this park by my apartment," Winter tells them.

"Damn, that's literally the hottest thing ever. Did he threaten to kill you?" Death asks.

"Yup, pretty much," Winter giggles.

"Classic," Death says as her teeth wiggle a tooth pick around.

Death's always super edgy and cool.

Jack walks near the girls and Death flicks her tooth pick at him.

"Piss off douche bag!" Death yells and Jack quickly walks away.

Winter looks up at Death and Death winks at her.

"I got you covered man don't worry," Death smiles.

"You're the best," Winter chuckles.

"I know," Death says as she grabs her backpack and skateboard.

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