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Winter smiles as she brushes her black hair out of her face. She can barely hold in the excitement that fills her.

"Wednesday," Winter smiles as she sits down at the breakfast nook beside him.

Wednesday peers over at her. His eyes peaking up over his bowl as he drinks the milk that's left from his cereal.

"I did something," Winter says nervously as she plays with her fingers.

Wednesday hums and sets his bowl down, giving Winter his attention.

"I've been saving up and I finally was able to buy a small building," Winter grins as she looks at him waiting for his reaction.

"A building?" Wednesday questions.

"Yeah! I'm going to open up my own photography business and start a magazine," Winter cheers as she bites her bottom lip.

Wednesday's eyes light up.

"Really?" He asks, excitement lacing his voice.

"Yes," Winter grins as she jumps into his arms.

Wednesday smiles and pulls her into a hug.

"I'm so happy for you!" He smiles as he stares at her.

Winter grins happily and kisses him softly.
Wednesday smiles as he kisses her back. He plays with the ends of her long hair as she snuggles into him.

"I'm actually supposed to meet the girls there in a little bit," Winter tells him as she looks up.

Wednesday smiles.

"Do I get to come?" He asks as he picks her hand up into his.

"Yes!" Winter says happily as she pulls away from him.

"I'm going to grab my keys so we can-," Winter starts.

Wednesday shakes his head at her.

"Eat," he tells her.

Winter pouts, "I'm not hungry though."

Wednesday stares at her.

"Eat before we go that way you won't be hungry later," he tells her as he stands up and puts his bowl in the sink.

Winter nods and grabs the box of cereal from the pantry. She pours some in a bowl and sits back down at the breakfast nook.

"So you guys are going to start a magazine too?" Wednesday smiles as he watches her eat.

She nods and smiles at him, "I'm excited."

Wednesday grins, "I'm excited for you."

"Also does that mean you're quitting?" Wednesday questions as he touches the lanyard on her camera.

"No! I like taking pictures of you and the band," Winter tells him as she finishes her food.

Wednesday smiles.

"You don't have to work for me anymore though," Wednesday tells her as she puts her bowl in the sink.

"I know. But I want to," She grins as she wraps her arms around him.

Wednesday smiles and kisses the top of her head.

"Are you ready?" She questions as she grabs her shoes.

Wednesday nods and pulls on his New Rocks, tying the laces.
Wednesday looks down at his feet as he notices Scream and Ash laying next to each other playing with his laces. Winter smiles as she watches them.

"I'm glad they like each other," she comments as she watches Ash lick Scream's fur.

"Me too," Wednesday grins as he sits down on the floor next to the two cats.

They look up at him and he smiles as he strokes their fur.
Scream purrs and Ash closes her eyes as Wednesday gives them love.
Winter grins as she watches them.
Wednesday stands up and pats some of the cat hair off him as he joins Winter at the door.

"Ready?" He questions.

Winter nods and Wednesday opens the door for her.
She steps outside into the hallway and they both begin to walk down the steps towards Winter's car.
Winter starts up her car and begins driving down the road.

"So have you seen the building yet?" Wednesday asks her.

"Kind of. I saw it when it was empty but the girls have been setting it up and they told me it was a surprise so I don't know what it's going to look like now," Winter explains as she focus on the road.

Wednesday nods as he looks around.
It's sunny like usual and for once the sky is a bright vibrant blue. Winter hums as the radio plays Spit it out by Slipknot.
The drive isn't too long and they shortly pull into the parking lot belonging to the building.

"Wow," Wednesday says as he looks at it, "I thought you said it was small."

"It is small," Winter laughs.

"That's not small, you guys don't even have any neighboring buildings," Wednesday argues causing Winter laugh.

"It's pretty small," she shrugs as she stops the car.

Wednesday shakes his head and smiles at her.
She opens the door and gets out. Her shoes crunch against the gravel as her and Wednesday walk up to the building.
It's got a fresh coat of black paint and a sign that says 'The Alt magazine and photography' hangs on the top.
The front is lined with big windows that allow you to see inside. Thankfully the building is in a good neighborhood.

Winter pulls the door open and she gasps as she looks inside.

"Surprise!" Megan, Death, and Kate shout at the same time.

Winter smiles from ear to ear as she looks around. There's a front desk with a couple of plants and a black skull on it. Several posters from photoshoots that either of the girls have done line the walls.

"What do you think?" Death asks as she stands besides her and looks around as well.

"It's beautiful," Winter grins as she looks up at her.

Death smiles.

"Follow me and I'll show you the offices," Death tells her as she grabs Winter's hand and leads her down the hallway.

Wednesday follows behind her and smiles as he looks around. The place looks really nice.
Death opens a door and Winter looks around as she sees a spacious office with a professional photography printer, a desk, a large computer, a couch, and several filling cabinets.

"This one's yours," Death grins excitedly as she hands her the key to the room.

Winter's eyes widen.

"Really?" She questions.

"Yeah," Death chuckles as she claps her on the back.

Winter smiles as she looks around. There's a poster in a frame from her most recent Wednesday photoshoot hanging on the wall.
Winter smiles as she hugs Wednesday.

"What do you think?" She asks him as he looks around.

"It's so nice. I'm really proud of you," Wednesday smiles as he kisses her forehead.

Winter grins as she places her old camera down on her desk.

"Perfect," she smiles as she stands next to Wednesday.

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