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"So I guess this is where we say goodbye," Winter smiles as she looks at Wednesday.

"I guess it is," Wednesday chuckles, "but I'm sure I'll see you again stalker."

Winter rolls her eyes.

"Bye Wednesday. See you around," Winter says as she starts walking in the direction of her house.

Suddenly Wednesday grabs Winter's arm.

"Don't you want your jacket back? It's cold," Wednesday asks.

"Keep it, consider us even," Winter laughs.

"But you're cold," Wednesday says as he rubs Winters arms.

"I'll be fine my apartments just down the street," Winter smiles.

Wednesday nods.

"Alright," he says as he lets go of her.

Winter smiles as Wednesday walks away.

She turns around and walks towards her apartment.

She walks up the steps and stops in front of her door. She grabs out her keys and unlocks her place.

When she steps inside she kicks her shoes off and sets them randomly on the floor.

She enters her room and pulls her shirt over her head. She tosses it into the dirty hamper and then removes her pants, placing them in the hamper as well.

She lays down on her bed in her underwear and looks at her phone.

She realizes she has a text message from an unknown number.

She scrunches her brows as she opens it.

Unknown number: Hi Winter it's Jack from work.

Winter thinks back and remembers the tattooed man who introduced himself to her.

Winter types a quick hello and sets her phone down.

She gets out of bed and digs through one of her drawers filled with CD's.

She grabs the slipknot self titled one and puts it in her CD player.

The music blasts through the speakers and she smiles contently as she sings along to Eyeless.

"You can't see California with out Marlon Brando's eyes," Winter mouths.

She chuckles as she thinks about the lyric. Never would she have thought that she would be singing this song in California.

She smiles as she cuddles into a pillow, she's super proud that she was able to move out here. She feels so grown up and accomplished.

Winter's phone buzzes and she reaches for it.

She unlocks it and looks at the message.

Jack: So would you like to get coffee some time this week?

Winter thinks about it.

Jack seems nice, and she could use some friends especially ones that relate to her fashion style.

Winter: Sure, pick a day and time.

Winter grabs her sketch book and decides to draw.

She doesn't know what's she's drawing she just goes with the flow.

Three minutes into her drawing her phone buzzes again.

She grabs it and reads Jack's message.

Jack: Six P.M. on Wednesday. I'll send you the address to this alternative café that I found.

Winter smiles, an alternative café sounds fun.

Winter: Sounds good.

Winter shuts her phone off for the night and goes back to her drawing.

She started the drawing from the bottom of the page and she's slowly working her way up. She doesn't know why she decided to do it this way but it just feels right.

She stops when she gets to the shoulder of what appears to be a human. She notices the leather jacket the person's wearing and she shrugs.

She keeps drawing and she stops when she finishes out lining the face.

"Who is this guy?" Winter questions as she looks at her drawing.

She shrugs and continues adding the hair and detailing into the face and jacket.

She grabs some colors and begins coloring it in.

She never aimlessly draws so this is a new experience for her.

She grabs a black colored pencil and fills in the hair. She blends it together.

Once she's finished she looks at the clock and realizes it's been an hour since she started this drawing.

She looks down at it and gasps when she realizes who she just drew.

"Wednesday," she gasps as she looks at it.

The drawing is really good, and scarily accurate.

"Why did I draw him. Oh gosh," Winter blushes as she looks at the drawing again.

His face almost looks like it's smirking at her and Winter blinks her eyes a couple times.

She shuts her notebook and throws it into a drawer.

"Oh gosh. What is my problem?" Winter asks herself.

She looks at the drawer that the notebook is in and shakes her head.

She gets up and decides to make herself something to eat, maybe it will distract herself from the picture.

She walks into her kitchen and looks down realizing she has nothing on but her underwear.

She looks at the open windows and her eyes go wide.

"Crap," she says as she rushes over to the windows.

She shuts them quickly hoping that no one got a view of her.

She walks over to her fridge and opens it.

She grabs out a loaf of sourdough bread, deciding that she wants a sandwich.

She eats one whole piece of sourdough by itself before putting two pieces in a plate.

She grabs out some lettuce and tomato. She slaps it on the bread and then grabs out some meat.

She places the meat on a pan and starts frying it up.

"Why did I draw Wednesday," she mutters as she cooks her meat.

She bites her lip nervously.

"What if he finds it?" She wonders, "then he'll definitely think I'm a stalker."

Winter sighs as she places her meat on her sandwich.

She places the second piece of bread on top and takes a bite.

Winter has never been amazing at drawing so she wonder why the one time she does a good drawing it's of Wednesday.

His eyes looked so real that Winter's highly concerned.

She grabs a glass of water and sits down at her dinning room table.

She gets comfortable against the chair as she eats her food with Slipknot playing in the background.

Winter's cat, Ash jumps up on the table and attempts to take a bite of her food.

"No girl," Winter says as she pulls her cat into her lap.

Her cat whines before getting comfy in her lap.

Winter sighs as she pulls off a piece of meat and gives it to her cat.

Despite every attempt to distract herself she still can't stop thinking about the drawing.

Why Wednesday?

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