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Wednesday looks over at Winter as they drive down the road towards Wednesday's band practice.
They already stopped by his house so Wednesday could put his jeans and a black shirt on.

"You okay?" Wednesday asks as he picks her hand up into his.

Winter nods, "a little nervous."

Wednesday smiles and brings the back of her hand to his lips.

"Don't be. They'll love you," Wednesday smiles, "plus you've already met them."

Winter chuckles.

"I know that's why I don't know why I'm nervous," Winter shakes her head as they stop at a traffic light.

Wednesday shrugs as he stares out the window.
It's sunny and hot a usual. The sun blazes down on anything out in the open. Everyone has their windows down or their air conditioning cranked way up.

Wednesday rolls down the window. The speed of the car causes a breeze to blow through his hair.
Winter laughs as she looks over at him.

"Your hair's having a party," she teases as Wednesday continuously brushes it out of his eyes.

Wednesday grabs a hair tie off Winter's wrist and ties his hair back.

She smirks.

"Better?" She questions.

"Definitely," Wednesday chuckles as he pushes her shoulder playfully.

The car stops in front of a large house and Winter looks over at Wednesday.

"Is this it?" She questions.

He nods and she parks in the driveway amongst several other cars.

Wednesday opens the door and steps out onto the pavement.
Winter shuts her car off and joins Wednesday's side as he takes her hand in his and leads her towards the front door.
He knocks on it and waits patiently for someone to open up.

Wednesday pulls Winter closes to him and smiles as she gets comfortable against his arm.

"Yo," Troy says as he opens the door.

Wednesday smiles at him.

Troy's eyes travel from Wednesday down to Winter.

"Is that the photographer from our last shoot?" Troy asks as he stares at Winter.

Winter feels her heart speed up but she smiles at him.

"Hi," she chuckles.

"Yeah this is Winter," Wednesday smiles as he looks down at her.

"I see you Wednesday. Picking up hot chicks," Troy laughs as he nudges him on the shoulder.

Winter smirks and rolls her eyes as Wednesday chuckles.
Troy steps aside so that they can both walk into the house.

Winter looks around and smiles. The house is white but the furniture is black. It looks cozy and Winter admires that.

She takes her shoes off, leaving them beside Wednesday's at the door.

"We're down in the basement," Troy says as he winks at Winter and proceeds to open the basement door.

Winter smirks as she follows Wednesday down the stair steps.

"I'm surprised you haven't started blushing at him," Wednesday whispers to Winter.

She chuckles and shakes her head.

"I only do that with you," she says as she nudges him.

Wednesday smiles.

Troy pulls open another door that leads into a large studio. There's a glass screen that boxes the recording section in and then on the other side of the room there's a couple couches and instruments lying around.
On the couches sits the rest of the band. They all look over as Wednesday and Winter enter the room.

"Took you long enough," Jack Tankersley laughs as he looks at Wednesday.

"Wait, wait! that's the photographer chick," Roman notices as he stares at Winter.
She chuckles lightly.

Wednesday nods.

"Guys this is my girlfriend, Winter," he smiles.

Winter feels herself blush as she smiles wildly. Wednesday hasn't told anyone their title so to hear it out loud makes her heart swell with joy.

The guys erupt in cheers and Wednesday smiles down at Winter.

"Girlfriend?!? Damn you move quick, I was going to hit on her," Kyle chuckles as he looks over at the two.

"You snooze, you lose. She's mine," Wednesday says as he leads Winter over to a spot on the couch and sits down next to her.

Kyle just smirks.

"Winter do you want a beer or anything?" Troy asks as he walks over to a mini cooler.

"Sure," Winter smiles.

Troy pulls a beer out of the fridge and hands it over to Winter.

"Thank you," She smiles as she takes it from his hand.

"No problem," Troy smiles.

Winter looks over at Wednesday.

"You don't mind if I drink right?" She asks him, remembering that he quit drinking alcohol a couple years ago.

"No I don't mind," Wednesday smiles as he plays with her hair.

She grins and pops open the bottle, taking a sip.

"Alright so the guitarists are gonna practice for a couple more minutes and finish getting tuned and all that good stuff and then we'll move into the recording room so you can use a good mic," Roman tells Wednesday.

Wednesday nods and leans back as he starts talking with Troy about their up coming show.

"So is Winter going to come to our show?" Troy asks as he looks over.

Wednesday looks down at her.

"I'd like to. I'll see if I can get some time off," Winter tells them.

Wednesday smiles and pulls her into his lap.

"Please do," he whispers as he buries his face in her neck.

Winter feels herself go red as she notices Troy staring at them.

"Have you guys had sex?" Troy asks.

Winter chokes on her drink and Wednesday chuckles as he rubs her back.
Winter's face is completely red and she hides it in Wednesday's chest.

"She's kinda shy," Wednesday chuckles as he rubs her back so that she stops coughing.

Troy smirks.

"And to answer your question we did this morning," Wednesday smiles as he looks down at her.

Winter's face turns an even deeper shade of red as she looks up at him.

"In the bath," Wednesday smirks as he stares into her eyes challengingly.

Winter's jaw drops as she stares up at him.

Wednesday laughs and Troy smirks at the two of them.

"What the hell man!" Winter blurts as she punches him in the shoulder.

Wednesday laughs and pulls her closer to him.

"I'm only telling the truth," Wednesday smiles.

Winter shakes her head and puts her face back into his chest while she waits for her face to return to its natural color.

"Dick," she mutters.

Wednesday snickers.

"You like mine," Wednesday smirks causing Winter to punch him again.

"Good going man," Troy laughs as he high fives him.

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