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Winter smiles as she walks into the office building.
She feels extremely relaxed and comfortable today.
Wednesday stayed over at her place and then drover her to work which made her super happy.
He makes her feel safe and special.

Winter's heeled combat boots clank against the floor as she walks towards the elevator.

"Good morning Winter!" One of the check in ladies smile.

"Good morning!" Winter grins back with just as much enthusiasm.

She walks down the hall and clicks the silver button to the elevator.
The doors open up and Winter steps inside.
She reaches to press the button when she hears someone call her name.

"Yo, Winter. Hold the door!" Death yells after her as she skates through the hall.

Winter holds open the doors and Death hops into the elevator with her.
They both click the buttons to the floors they're going to.

"You look happy today," Death comments as she studies Winter's grinning face.

"Yeah," Winter smiles as she plays with the shirt she's wearing, Wednesday's shirt.

"Who's shirt is this?" Death asks as she pulls at it.

"Wednesday's," Winter smiles as she rubs the sleeves.

Death chuckles at her.

"That's cute. How are you guys doing?" She questions as she leans against the railing with her skateboard in her hands.

"Good. He's super sweet, he drove me to work this morning and I'm going to one of his shows tonight," Winter smiles.

Death grins at her.

"Look at you girl. You're head over heels for him," She smirks as she pushes her shoulder playfully.

Winter shrugs, she cannot confirm nor deny how extreme her feelings are for him.

"How are you? You look awesome as always," Winter comments as she takes in Death's latex suit.

"How do you even skate in that?" Winter questions.

Death smirks, "very carefully. I'm doing good, tired but I'll just drink three cups of coffee."

Winter rolls her eyes.

"Addict," she snickers under her breath.

"Whatever you say lover girl," Death retorts as she brings her coffee cup to her lips.

"This is my floor. See ya later," Death smiles as she exits the elevator.

Winter waves at her and watches as she walks down the hall.

Winter finally reaches her floor. She steps out of the elevator and walks through the large room filled with cubicles.
Winter stops in front of her offices and unlocks the door.
She closes it behind her and sets her stuff down as she starts up her computer.
She opens her filing cabinet and pulls out some photos.
Winter sits down and begins going through them.
She looks at the theme for their upcoming magazine and smiles as she finds a couple photos that fit really well with the theme.

The theme is body paint and Winter realizes she could take some really good pictures of Wednesday and his band tonight for the magazine.
She grins as she pulls out her camera and turns it on.
She looks through the lens before scrolling through some of the pictures that have been saved but haven't been printed out yet.

Winter stands up and heads out of her office to the community printer. Unfortunately, it's the only printer on this floor that has quality paper and not the flimsy cheap stuff.
She plugs her camera into the machine and starts selecting the photos she needs to print off.

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