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Wednesday looks down at the small lady as he plays with her hair gently. The movie ended about two hours ago and Winter fell asleep thirty minutes into it. Wednesday found it quite hilarious until his legs fell asleep.

Wednesday wiggles his toes to try and wake them up. He sighs as he feels that uncomfortable tingle shoot through his legs. A groan passes through his lips as he looks down at Winter. He doesn't want to wake her because then she'll probably leave.

"Should I pick her up?" Wednesday asks Scream as he looks down and pets Scream's fur. Scream purrs in response and Wednesday chuckles.

Wednesday slowly sits up and carries Winter bridal style in his arms. She stirs a little and Wednesday stops as he stares down at her. She snuggles into Wednesday's chest and he smirks as he carries her to his bedroom.

He holds her with one arm and lifts up the sheets with the other.
Once the sheets are pushed down he sets her in the bed and pulls the sheets over her.
He smile as he looks at her. She yawns and rolls over as she holds onto one of the pillows.

Wednesday flicks the lights off and closes the door to the room as he ventures back out into the hallway. He pulls open a closet filled with linen and towels and grabs a blanket.
He walks back into the living room and lies down on the couch as he tries to fall asleep.

Wednesday tugs his lip ring between his teeth as he a allows his mind to drift off.

Scream jumps onto the couch and cuddles into him as he falls asleep with the cat snuggled against him.

Winter slowly opens her eyes as her mouth parts to release a yawn. She looks around the room and realizes it's not hers. The room is filled with posters and action figures. Winter sits up quickly as she looks around in the bed for Wednesday. When she doesn't see him she furrows her brows and throws the sheets off her.

She opens the bedroom door and looks down the hallway. She has no clue what time it is but the house is silent and dark. She creeps down the hallway as she looks around for Wednesday. When she enters the living room she sees Wednesday on the floor with a blanket half over him.

She raises as eyebrows at him as she walks closer and bends down in front of him.

"Wednesday," she whispers.

When Wednesday doesn't reply she shakes him lightly.

"Wednesday," she repeats.

"Huh?" Wednesday mutters as he sits up.

"Are you okay? Why are you on the floor?" Winter asks him as he rubs his eyes.

Wednesday looks around and then up at Winter.

"Hi," he smiles as he yawns.

Winter chuckles as she stares at him in confusion.

"Why are you on the floor?" She asks again as she sits down next to him.

"I'm not sure," Wednesday chuckles as he looks at the couch.

"I must have fallen off the couch or something," Wednesday shrugs as he takes in Winter's appearance.

His eyes scan her body.
Suddenly, his eyes go wide as they get lower.

"Did you get hot or something?" Wednesday asks as he looks back up at her with a smirk on his face.

"What?" She questions as she stares at him.

"My pants. You're not wearing them anymore," Wednesday tells her.

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