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Winter walks down the same dark path that she walked down when she ran into Wednesday.

She bites her bottom lip as she ventures forward into the wooded area.

She stops and looks around when she gets to the spot that she ran into Wednesday.

She frowns when she doesn't see him.

She looks down both sides of the now splitting path.

"Hmm," she mutters as she decides which one to walk down.

The sky has now become dark and the trees cover any street lamps that might be glowing.

The woods almost have a creepy feel to them but Winter doesn't mind.

The air is slightly chilly but not too bad. Winter plays with her hair as she walks down the path.

Suddenly she hears something rustle and she jumps slightly. She looks around but doesn't see anything.

She stuffs her hands into her pockets and begins walking slightly faster.

"Hey," a voice says.

Winter spins around with a smile on her face.
But when she doesn't see anyone around her she shivers.

She picks up her pace until it's a little short of jogging speed.

A tree branch crunches and Winter looks up. Yet again she doesn't see anything.

"I must be tripping," Winter mutters to herself.

She takes a turn and walks down a new path, she hopes she doesn't get lost.

Out of the corner of Winter's eyes she sees something large jump out of tree.

She screams as it grabs her.

She feels two arms around her and she spins around.

Her fist flies in the direction of the person's face.

The person grabs her hands and pins them down at her sides.

"Calm down it's me," Wednesday says.

Winter let's out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

She looks at Wednesday and then she growls before punching him in the shoulder.

"Ow. Crazy woman, that hurt," Wednesday huffs.

"Shouldn't have scared me then," Winter says as she walks away.

The sound of Winter's footsteps are joined by the sounds of Wednesday's.

"So, you just couldn't stay away?" Wednesday smirks.

Winter rolls her eyes.

"You're not the reason I'm here," Winter lies as she keeps walking forward.

Wednesday hums in response.

"Why are you here then?" Wednesday asks as he looks over at her.

Winter keeps quiet and continues to walk.

Wednesday laughs and steps in front of Winter.

"Did you miss me?" Wednesday asks.

"Chill out dude, I barley know you," Winter says as she tries to play it cool.

"But you want to right? That's why you're here," Wednesday smiles.

"Fine," Winter sighs, "I came here to find you."

Wednesday laughs.

"I figured," Wednesday smiles.

"Why are you here?" Winter asks.

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