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Wednesday sighs as he looks up at the clock in his living room. Winter has done nothing but sleep for the past day. Wednesday can barely get her to eat anything and he hasn't been able to get her out of bed.
Wednesday brushes his hair out of his face as he stands up and heads toward his bedroom.

"Winter," Wednesday calls as he opens the door and steps inside the dark room.

The curtains are shut and all the lights are off. The room seems almost lifeless. Wednesday frowns as he sits on the bed and looks down at Winter. Her eyes are closed and her breathing is shallow.

"Winter," Wednesday repeats as he rubs his thumb over one of her cheeks.

Winter stirs a little bit but she doesn't open her eyes.
Wednesday groans and pulls the covers off her.

"Come on get up!" He barks.

Winter groans and rolls over so her back is to him.
Wednesday shakes his head and grabs her, pulling her into his arms and carrying her out the room.

"Wednesday," Winter groans, "I want to sleep."

"No," Wednesday shakes his head, "you've been sleeping for one whole day. That's enough sleep for you."

Winter sighs and rests her head against his chest as she closes her eyes and decides to sleep in his arms.
Wednesday shakes his head and drops her down on the couch with a thump.

"Rude," Winter growls as she sits up.

Wednesday crouches down in front of her and places his hands on her lap.

"Look at me," he says calmly as he looks up at her.

She sighs and looks down at him. He smiles slightly and picks her hands up into his.

"I don't like seeing you so sad," Wednesday frowns as he kisses the back of her hands.

"I'm not sad, I'm just tired," Winter sighs.

Wednesday shakes his head, "we both know you're not just tired."

Wednesday stands up and sits down on the couch next to her. He pulls her onto his lap and she rests her head against his chest.

"He's not going to stop harassing me and she's not going to do anything about it," Winter sighs as she plays with Wednesday's fingers.

"I'm not going to let him hurt you again, I swear," Wednesday tells her as he kisses her forehead.

"You can't promise that though. You don't work with me," Winter sighs as she looks up at him.

Wednesday places his lips down on hers and she kisses him back. Wednesday strokes her hips with his thumbs.

"Get dressed," he says as he pulls away from her.

"Why?" She questions.

"Because we're going out," Wednesday smiles as he brushes her hair with his fingers.

Winter groans, "I don't want to go out."

"Too bad. Get up. Let's take a shower and get dressed," Wednesday suggests as he nudges her to get off his lap.

Winter sighs and stands up. She looks at Wednesday and waits for him to follow her back to the bedroom so they can take a shower together and get dressed for the day.

"Where are we going," Winter asks as she watches Wednesday turn on the water.

"Somewhere with some sunshine," Wednesday grins as he pulls her against him.

Winter smiles and places her hands in his as she kisses his stomach.

"I love you," she whispers as she wraps her arms around him.

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