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Winter sits up in bed and scratches her forehead. A yawn escapes her lips as she looks around the room.

Wednesday is still cuddled up beside her. His eyes are shut and his breathing is calm.
Winter smiles as she looks down at him. He looks so peaceful and happy. Winter plays with the edge of the sheets. She would love to make breakfast for Wednesday but she doesn't want to be rude and start digging through his things.

Winter plops back down beside Wednesday and stares up at the ceiling. She licks her lips as she looks over at him.
Winter decides that she will make breakfast when he wakes up. She knows that if it was her own house and it was the first time she invited the person over, she would be offended if they started going through her things.
Winter closes her eyes and rests her head underneath Wednesday's chin as she snuggles into him.
She feels him stir a little and his arm wraps around her waist as he pulls her even closer to him. Winter smiles and kisses his neck as she looks up at him.

Wednesday's eyes flutter and he stares down at Winter sleepily.

"Good morning," Winter chuckles as she plays with the ends of Wednesday's hair.

"Hi," Wednesday yawns as he closes his eyes again and places his head back down on Winter's.

Winter chuckles and traces patterns in his skin as he slowly wakes up.

"How long have you been awake," Wednesday mutters against Winter's hair as he nuzzles his nose into it.

Winter giggles.

"Ten minutes maybe?" Winter guesses as she shrugs.

Wednesday nods and suddenly he switches positions bringing Winter with him. Winter catches herself before she can fall against his chest.
Wednesday snickers as Winter looks down at him with rosy cheeks.

"Are you always embarrassed?" Wednesday asks as he runs his finger from Winter's chin down to the beginning of her chest.

Winter blushes even deeper.

"Or is it just me that gets you like this?" Wednesday whispers into Winter's ear as he rubs her lower back.

Winter squeaks and then pushes Wednesday down.

"Stop," she chuckles nervously as Wednesday smiles up at her.

Winter straddles him as her eyes wander around, looking at the different toys Wednesday has in his room. Wednesday rests his hands against Winter's hips and he rubs them lightly with his thumbs.

"How long have you been collecting?" Winter questions as she looks back over at him.

"How long have you been so sexy," Wednesday asks as he switches positions again, flipping Winter so that she's on her back.

Winter rolls her eyes with a smile as she looks at him.

"Am I really sexy?" Winter questions.

"Oh for sure," Wednesday laughs as he places his lips just below Winter's ear.

Winter giggles as he tickles her skin with his hot breath.

"And those tattoos have got me intrigued," Wednesday mutters as he rubs Winter's thigh.

Winter's eyes go wide as she holds on to him.

"You saw?!?" She almost screams as she stares at him.

Wednesday rolls his eye.

"Of course I saw. You were running around my house with no pants on," Wednesday reminds her as he plays with the hem of Winter's shirt.

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