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Wednesday throws his stuff into the trunk and races to the front of his car. He starts it up and speeds down the road. He doesn't care if Winter doesn't want to see him right now.
Wednesday taps his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel as he stops at a red light.
He shakes his head as his mind wonders.
Wednesday didn't know his ex would be there or else he would have kicked her out. He didn't see her the whole night until there was a knock on the door of his dressing room.
He thought it was Winter so he opened it.

Wednesday grumbles underneath his breath as he drives past the park and down the familiar path that leads to Winter's apartment complex.

"She's going to kick my ass," Wednesday chuckles to himself as he creeps into the parking lot and finds a spot.

Wednesday takes a deep breath before shutting off his car. He throws the door open and shuts it after him as he walks down the sidewalk and towards the stairway of her building.
His mind is swarming with different scenarios and he can feel his anxiety increase.
He takes deep breaths with each step as he makes his way up the stairs. Wednesday can hear someone walking around frantically and he sighs as he stops outside of Winter's door.
His hand raises hesitantly before he knocks.
Everything goes silent inside the apartment and Wednesday feels his heartbeat increase as he goes to knock again.
He bangs on it and then waits patiently for her to open up. He'll wait all night for her. He doesn't even care if he has to sleep outside on her doorstep.
Wednesday brushes his hands through his hair as he bites his lip ring nervously.
The door clicks and Wednesday feels his heart leap into his throat.

"Hey Death-," Winter starts before she sees Wednesday.

She goes to close the door but Wednesday holds it open.

"We need to talk," he tells her.

She shakes her head.

"I have nothing to say to you," she growls as she looks down at her feet.

"Well I have lots of explaining to do so I'm going to stay out here all night long until you let me in," Wednesday says seriously.

Winter shakes her head.

"You need to leave," she whispers.

"No," Wednesday retorts as he pushes the door open and pulls Winter into him.

Winter feels herself panic as he wraps his arms around her. She tries to push him off her but he won't budge.

"I love you," Wednesday whispers.

Winter feels tears spring into her eyes as she finally lets herself slump into him. Wednesday rubs her back as he feels his shirt dampen with tears.

"Wednesday," Winter sobs as she wraps her arms around him slowly.

"I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you," Wednesday says as he kisses the top of her head.

Winter's sobbing increases and Wednesday feels his heart ache as he picks her up and walks into her apartment, shutting the door.
Wednesday walks to the living room and sits down on the couch with Winter in his lap clinging to him.

"Why," Winter sobs into his chest as he rubs her back.

"I'm sorry. She's my ex I didn't want her to-," Wednesday starts.

"Why did he touch me," Winter sobs.

Wednesday feels himself tense.

"Who touched you?" Wednesday asks as he looks down at her.

"Him," Winter sobs as she wraps her arms even tighter around Wednesday.

Wednesday feels anger rise with in him as he holds her close.

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