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Winter snuggles into Wednesday's chest as he brushes her hair.

"How are you feeling?" Wednesday asks as he looks down at her.

Winter yawns.

"A little sleepy," she chuckles as she looks up at Wednesday with lazy eyes.

Wednesday smirks.

"Sleepy? We just woke up a couple hours ago," Wednesday smiles as he kisses her forehead.

"You make me tired," Winter smirks as she traces patterns on Wednesday's stomach.

Wednesday smiles and rubs her back soothingly.

They both hear a meow and Winter looks down. Ash sits on the floor in front of the bed. Winter chuckles as she notices Ash has her food bowl in her mouth.

Winter sits up and crawls out of bed causing Wednesday to sit up and watch as she walks out the room and down the hall.
He smiles as he bites his lip ring and brushes his hair out of his face.
He looks down at himself and smiles as he touches the spots on his stomach that Winter was tracing.

He throws off the covers and searches the floor for his shirt. Wednesday pulls it over his head and walks into the bathroom to find his pants. He picks them up off the floor and quickly puts them on.
Wednesday walks out of Winter's room and towards the kitchen.

"Come here Ash," Winter says as she places the bowl of cat food down on the floor.
Ash scurries over and dives into the food causing Wednesday and Winter to laugh.

"Clearly, you made her wait too long for breakfast," Wednesday chuckles as he watches Ash inhale her food.

Winter rolls her eyes.

"I'm going to blame that on you," She smirks as she walks back towards her room so that she can put some clothes on.

Wednesday smirks as he leans against the wall.

Winter walks into her closet and pulls out a large t-shirt and some shorts. She slips them on and then joins Wednesday back out in the living room.

"Did you have any plans for the rest of the day?" Winter asks as she sits down on his lap.

Wednesday wraps his arms around her waist.

"I have band practice in a couple of hours but I'm free till then and I'm free after then," Wednesday tells Winter as he plays with her t-shirt.

"Well we should get you home then so you can get into some different clothes," Winter chuckles as she turns around in his lap so that she's facing him.

"You should come," Wednesday smiles as he squeezes her hips.

"Come where? To your house?" Winter questions as she brushes his messy hair out of his eyes.

"To practice with me," Wednesday grins.

Winter's eyes go wide as she looks at him.

"Are you sure. I mean, I don't want to be a distraction," Winter rambles as she rubs the back of her neck.

Wednesday snickers.

"You won't be a distraction. Unless you run around naked, but even then I wouldn't mind," Wednesday smirks as he looks at Winter.

She blushes.

"I would never get naked in front of your band," Winter mumbles as she shakes her head.

She hops out of Wednesday's lap and heads towards her room.
Wednesday laughs and followers her.

"They wouldn't care," Wednesday says as he pulls her against him.

Winter shakes her head and smirks up at him.

"You're always trying to get me naked," She chuckles as she rests her hands on his.

"Only because you're so beautiful," Wednesday smiles as he turns her around and picks her up into his arms.

Winter smiles widely and presses her lips to his neck.

"Thank you," She grins as she rests her head on his shoulder.

Wednesday sets her down on the bed and begins to place kisses on her neck.
She chuckles as she runs her hands through his hair.

"You should get dressed," Wednesday mutters against her skin as he grabs onto her oversized pajama shirt.

Winter nods and Wednesday pulls his lips off her.
He sits up and watches as Winter walks into her closet.

Winter looks around her closet for something nice to wear.
She grabs some simple black jeans and a sleeveless turtle neck.
Winter slips the jeans on, zipping them up and buckling them. Then, she pulls her shirt over her head and tucks it into the waistband of her jeans.

"Wednesday! Can you open the drawer in my dresser and grab out a spiked belt?!" Winter asks as she kneels down and begins to go through her shoes.

Wednesday looks over at her dresser and shrugs as he walks over to it. He pulls open a drawer and his eyes go wide as he notices her underwear. He smirks as he closes the drawer and opens a different one.
He nods when he sees all the leather accessories in it.
He digs through collars and harnesses before finding a belt he likes.

"What about this one?" Wednesday questions as he enters her closet.

Winter looks over at the spiked belt and smiles as she takes it from his hands.

"Thanks," she grins as she begins lacing it through the loop holes in her pants. She closes the belt and bends down to tie her shoe laces.

Wednesday smiles as he watches her.

"Are you going to do something with your hair?" Winter asks as she stands up.

"If we have time," Wednesday shrugs.

Winter chuckles, "alright."

She walks past him and over to her vanity.
She pulls out some black eyeliner and begins lining her water line with it. She stares at herself in the mirror before grabbing out some black lipstick. She places it on her lips.

"How do I look?" Winter questions as she turns around and looks over at Wednesday.

"Sexy as always," he says as he stands up and reaches his hands out for her to grab.

She gladly places her hands in his and allows him to help pull her up.

"Now, on to your house so you can get dressed mister," Winter chuckles as she walks with him out of her room and down the hall.

Wednesday smiles as he gives her hand a squeeze.

"Bye Ash! I'll be back," Winter calls as she grabs her keys and her phone.

Wednesday opens the door for her and she smiles as she walks out.

She locks up her place and then leads Wednesday down the stairs.

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