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"Mommy why are you still awake?" I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard my 8-year-old daughter stand behind me. I turned around to see her tiredly stand in the doorway, rubbing her clearly tired eyes.

I lightly chuckled at her as I walked over to kneel in front of her. I patted her head, caressing her cheeks, "Why are you still awake honey?"

"I needed to use the bathroom." Jiyeon, my daughter, yawned. The corner of my lips curled at how cute she was being.

"Okay well why don't I help you back into bed, okay?" I softly said as I took her hand and walked her to her room.

Jiyeon climbed back into bed as I helped place her blanket over. I kissed her temple before whispering a good night, carefully leaving her bedroom I hear the front door open.

I let out a sigh knowing that my husband is finally home. I prepared myself before making my way to the living room.

"Where the hell have you been Jisung?" I whispered loudly, being careful not to wake up Jiyeon. "It's 1 in the morning and your shift at the office finished at 8."

"You didn't answer your phone and *sniff* were you out drinking? You reek of alcohol." I frowned.

Jisung didn't care. He just rolls his eyes as he takes off his coat. "My phone died and I didn't drink. My coworkers took me out to a bar after work and they spilled their drinks on me."

"Now that we got that over, can I now go sleep in my bed?" He barked.

I stepped in his path before he was able to leave. "What is with this attitude? Did something happen at work?"

He scoffs, "Like you would know anything about work." He blurted. "Y/n you're home all day and I'm waking up at 6 am, taking 12 hour shifts. I'm tired and I just want to go to sleep."

I just look at him clearly offended at what he said. "And you don't think I'm tired too? I wake up to clean the house, cook us food, pick up groceries, and not to mention take care of our daughter."

"The daughter which you barely have time with."

"Because I'm working 12 HOUR SHIFTS. I DON'T HAVE TIME Y/N." Jisung argued. "Oh but you have time to go out to fucking clubs and not come home right after work to spend that time with your family?" I argued back.

He shook his head, "I can't do this right now."

"What? This family?" I don't know why I just said that but I was so in the heat of the moment and I can feel the tears build up in my eyes at my own words.

"Seriously?" Jisung scoffs, shaking his head as he grabbed his coat and headed for the front door. "Where are you going?" I followed him.

"I just need a moment. Some fresh air." He said. "Don't wait up." Was the last thing I heard before he took off in his car.

I don't why I said that but just knowing how irritated I was with Jisung, I still wanted him here with me in my arms as I was crying.


Han Jisung

Anger fumed his thoughts. Why would Y/n say such a thing?

Jisung was lost in his thoughts and he had no control in hands so he just went wherever they led him to.

To a overview looking point of the city.

Jisung got out of his car and slammed his door shut. "Fucking hell." He cursed.

He placed his hands on his car, leaning over. Just replaying his fight with Y/n. "How did my life get to this?"

"How did I end up getting the worst job and the worst wife?" He grunted. He pushed himself off before kicking his tire. "Dammit."

He looks up at the sky. "I was popular! My friends were cool! I had Ryujin by my side!" He let out a hysterical chuckle. "How did I end up with someone like Y/n?"

Seeing a wishing star pass by, Jisung continues to stare at the sky. "God I wish I had my life back."

He sighs, "Just everything." But knowing that, that's impossible he sighs once again before calming down.

Jisung climbed back into his car and pretended like none of that just happened and drove off.

He made his way back home and when he walked into the bedroom he saw Y/n sleeping on the right side of the bed.

Knowing he'll probably have an earful in the morning he takes his spot next to her, facing the other way and slowly he falls asleep.

Future Past |Han Jisung| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now