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"You just had a wet dream of my best friend." Ryujin said, still slightly shocked. She was still standing by Jisung's bedside and couldn't bring herself to walk away.

"Wait, Ryujin." Jisung stood up, now facing the girl. "You can't be sure that I had a wet dream. Not of your best friend either." He carefully said.

She crosses her arms. "Please. I know a wet dream when I hear one, plus when I heard you moaning Y/n's name."

Jisung groans, "Ugh okay fine, I might've had one of Y/n. But please, please don't tell her or anyone." He begged.

"Okay okay I won't." She said. "But can I ask you this, do you like Y/n?"

Jisung was silent, he didn't know how to answer her. Did he, did he not? He wasn't too sure himself. Wasn't the purpose of bringing him back was so that he doesn't end up with her, he thought.

Before Ryujin could ask again, the two heard the front door open.

Jisung pushed pass Ryujin, mentally thanking Hyunjin and Y/n for walking into the cabin. "Hey you two." Jisung smiles. "Where have you kids been?"

Hyunjin looked uneasy. "We were just outside talking. I'm gonna go change then head to bed." He had his head low before walking away.

Jisung noticed but didn't bring himself to say anything. As he watched his friend sulk away to the bathroom, his eyes moved to Y/n who was looking at Hyunjin with a sad look on her face.

Ryujin then walked up to Y/n. "What's wrong babe?" She asked, worried.

Y/n looks up at her friend before making a quick glance at Jisung who was already looking at her. She avoided eye contact, bringing her head down again.

"I don't feel like talking about it right now. I'm just gonna head to bed." Y/n mutters. She gets in her bed as Ryujin helps to tuck her in.

"We're going to talk about it soon okay?" Ryujin says. Y/n just nods before closing her eyes, hoping tears doesn't fall out.

Ryujin sighs, turning to Jisung. "Do you have any idea of what just happened between them?" Jisung might have a clue but he wasn't too sure himself.

"We'll just have to find out in the morning." He shrugs before going back to bed. Ryujin looks back at her friend then also getting into bed.


10 minutes ago

"You wanted to talk?" Hyunjin asks Y/n.

After the whole senior class had dinner, the four made their way back to their cabin but Y/n asked Hyunjin to stay outside with her to talk.

She nodded, taking the seat on the bench right by the front door. Hyunjin sits right next to her.

"Is this about what I said?" He carefully asked. Y/n nods, "Yes."

"Have you thought about it already?" She nods again.

Hyunjin nervously gulps. He wasn't sure what was coming next because he couldn't read the girl's body language and the tone she was speaking in was uneasy.

She fiddles with her fingers before looking up at the boy. "I'm sorry Hyunjin." He sighs right when she said it. "You're a really great guy and our time together was amazing but I don't think I'm ready for a relationship."

He felt his stomach drop but instead of showing it, he nods. "That's fine."

"I'm really sorry." Y/n says again.

Hyunjin lowered his head, processing every emotion he was going through. He pursed his lips before looking up at the girl again.

"Can you be honest with me? Is it because you're still not over him?" Hyunjin carefully asks which made Y/n confused.

"What?" She mutters.

"Do you still like...Jisung?" He almost couldn't get that question out because of how hard it was to say.

Y/n couldn't look Hyunjin in the eyes anymore. She went back to fiddling with her fingers. "How- how do you know about that?" She asks.

Hyunjin lets out a light chuckle, hiding how hurt he was right now. "Our junior year, when I first started liking you, I noticed how much you were looking at him. When you were looking at Jisung, I was looking at you. I'm guessing you never told anyone and just stopped after what happened between him and Ryujin?"

Y/n didn't say anything but just nods.

"When did it start?" He asks. He wanted to know who liked who first. If maybe he would've told her sooner, her crush on his best friend wouldn't have happened.

Y/n hesitated. Not sure if telling him would make the situation worse than it already is. She sighs, looking over at Hyunjin, seeing how desperate he was.

"The first time I saw him."

Hyunjin's heart dropped, knowing exactly what she means because the first time they saw each other was...

"Freshmen year." Y/n continues. "The reason I never told anyone, not even Ryujin, was because I wasn't sure if this was a serious crush. Then I realized this silly crush turned into actually liking him. I was going to confess in our junior year but he and Ryujin happened first."

After Y/n finished explaining herself, the two just sat in silence. Not sure where to go from there.

Y/n took a glance at Hyunjin who just continued to look down. "Do you think we can still be friends?" She mutters.

"I might need time to get over this but I would really like that." Hyunjin gives her a small smile. "And I won't tell anyone. I like you but I love Jisung and I'm sure you will tell him when you're ready."

She nods, showing a apologetic smile.

"I think we should head inside. It's getting cold and we're both tired." Hyunjin stood up first, heading for the door with Y/n following behind.

They both were a little surprised to see Jisung and Ryujin awake but the two didn't have the energy to ask why.

Y/n gets in her bed as Ryujin helps tuck her in. "We're going to talk about it soon okay?" Ryujin says. Y/n just nods before closing her eyes, hoping no one sees tears starting to form in her eyes.

She then heard Ryujin sigh. "Do you have any idea of what just happened between them?" Knowing she was asking Jisung.

"We'll just have to find out in the morning." She heard Jisung say.

Y/n turns to face the wall when she hears them start to walk away to their beds. Not waiting another second she finally lets out the tears she's been holding. She did the one thing she didn't want to do and that was to hurt Hyunjin.

She knew that even if she agreed to go out with Hyunjin she would be lying to herself and he would eventually get hurt. If she was just honest with herself and Hyunjin then at least he got hurt knowing the truth rather than being lied to.

Was that the right thing to do? Why does it hurt so much?

Future Past |Han Jisung| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now