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Junior Year

"AH!" Ryujin came into the classroom screaming. She goes up to Y/n's desk, who was also her seat-mate. "Kang Y/n. Wake up." She exclaims.

Y/n shifts from her seat when hearing her best friend's voice. She yawns, lifting her head from her desk. "Huh?"

Ryujin excitedly takes her seat next to Y/n. "I got elected to be the senior class president next year." She says.

"Wait that's so great." Y/n smiles. "You really wanted this and you worked hard on your campaign- well you paid people to do it but still I'm happy for you."

Ryujin chuckles, "Thank you. Oh my gosh I'm gonna give us the best senior year."

As the two girls were planning out their senior year they didn't notice the two boys, just a few seats behind them, looking at them.

Well one of them.

Hyunjin didn't know how his crush on Y/n started but all he knew is that he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. But what he has his eyes on the most is his friend beside him. It seems that Jisung also had a crush on Y/n he thought.

He couldn't bring himself to ask Jisung if he did for sure but the way he looks at her confirms it.

Then what he said next totally confirmed it for Hyunjin.

"I'm gonna ask her out." Jisung says, still looking at Y/n. Hyunjin's eyes slightly widened as he moved his eyes from Y/n to Jisung.


"I'm gonna ask out Kang Y/n." Jisung says.

Hyunjin gulped. "You can't." He mentally cursed at himself. Why did he say that he thought. It was just so quick.

Jisung stopped looking at Y/n to look at his friend beside him. "Huh? Why not?"

Hyunjin couldn't control the thoughts running through his head and the words that came out of his mouth. He wasn't sure why he was doing this but all he felt while doing it was jealousy.

"Because Y/n isn't the girl for you." He started then he just ran with it. "You're Han Jisung. One of the coolest guys in our grade and part of the 3racha club that has very exclusive members. With Ryujin becoming class president next year, it would be so great for your reputation. I think you should actually go for Ryujin instead." He nods.

There. Right then and there is where this whole thing started. When Hyunjin was scared to confront his feelings to his best friend and instead lie to get what he wants.

Jisung thought for a moment. He knew his feelings but what Hyunjin said just made sense for him. He was just a teenager then and what he cared about was popularity.

He nods. "Okay. I'm going for it." He stands up from his seat. Hyunjin stood up as well. "Wait, seriously?"


"I'm coming with you." Hyunjin says.

The two boys start to walk over to the girl's desks. Jisung in front of Ryujin and Hyunjin in front of Y/n.

Hyunjin just wanted to see if Jisung was really going through with asking out Ryujin and he wanted to do the same with Y/n. But couldn't, he thought it would be so wrong to do so when Jisung just said a minute ago that he was going to ask out Y/n.

"Uh hey Ryujin." The girls look up to the two boys.

Ryujin stifles a chuckle to Y/n before looking at Jisung. "Hi?"

"I'm just going to be straight forward with this." He exhaled a breath. "Will you go out with me this weekend?" He said. I can't believe he said it, Hyunjin thought. He thought this would bring him relief but when he saw the look on Y/n's face, he knew he did a bad thing.

Ryujin looks at Jisung for a second as if she was thinking then nods, "Sure." She says. Jisung smiles. "Really? I'll text you the details."

After the boys went back to their desks Y/n turns to Ryujin. "You're really going out with him?" She asks.

Ryujin shrugs, not noticing the sad look in her friend's eyes. "It's just one date, we'll see where it goes from there."

"Oh." Y/n mutters.

"Oh." Hyunjin mutters.

It all came together. Looking at the state of the girl he knew her true feelings and that was for Jisung who just asked out her best friend, in front of her, and it was all because of Hyunjin.



"Wow I can't believe you did that." Ryujin says, biting her ice cream.

Hyunjin sighs, looking at the ice cream in his hand. "I know."

Ryujin pats the boy's shoulder. "I guess we're both just really bad friends at the moment. Even though you were really just the one who started this, making me a part of this-..." She stops when she notices the disappointing look he was giving himself.

"Right. Sorry." She pursed her lips. "Well look on the bright side. They looked comfortable together by the lake, I'm sure something is bound to happen. If the past days with you and Y/n didn't happen, imagine what could happen to their future. Assuming it wouldn't be great."

"They need each other." She added.

Hyunjin looks at Ryujin. "You think so?"

She nods. "I know this is probably the last you wanna hear right now but yes, I think so. If you look past your feelings, I think somewhere in there you think so too."

He sighs. "I don't want to admit it but I actually do too." Ryujin chuckles, patting the boy once again.

"Don't worry Jinnie. You'll find someone too someday." She says now focusing on her ice cream. He just smiles before doing the same.

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