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That night.

"Aaand send." Y/n pressed the 'enter' key on her laptop, she lets out a sigh of relief as she slumps in her chair. After months of preparing, she finally sends in all her college applications.

All she ever wants in her life right now is to just leave this place behind and actually achieve something in college.

It hasn't been easy for Y/n ever since her parents decided now that she's a senior she will be able to take care of herself as they were overseas dealing with the company they are currently working for.

Of course they sent money every month to pay for the bills and food in the fridge but there isn't enough left for the school trip Y/n was looking forward to.

Y/n was very grateful that she had a best friend that looked out for her and actually took care of her, as well as Ryujin's mom who lets Y/n come over whenever she wants. In fact, Ryujin lives right across the street from Y/n.

But there's a line when it comes to coming over everyday for dinner and asking to pay for her school trip fee. She didn't want to take advantage of the amount of generosity she was already given.

Y/n just groans as she plops onto her bed. She stares at her ceiling for a moment before switching her position to lay on her side. Her eyes then caught a picture that stood on her nightstand.

She sits up as she grabs the picture. Smiling when she remembers when it was taken, the last day of junior year.

Her eyes admired the picture with herself and Ryujin smiling for the camera. She then followed her eyes to see Hyunjin behind them photobombing, holding a v-pose to his face. She smiles remembering her conversation she had with the boy at school.

Then something or actually someone caught her eyes. Jisung was sitting at his desk about two seats behind them as he looked at the camera, awkwardly smiling. Y/n stifles a chuckle as she just stares at Jisung in the picture.

Not knowing she's been staring for a while, she shook her head. Since when has she looked at Han Jisung like that, she thought.

Y/n puts back the picture and grabs her phone. She puts it to her ear after speed dialing Ryujin. After two rings she hears the line go through.

"Hey Babe." Ryujin greeted.

"I've decided." Y/n says, earning a gasp from Ryujin's end. She only needed two words to understand what Y/n meant.


"And I decided it's our senior year. I'm not going to be abandoning you just yet." She smiles.

Ryujin squealed, "Ah I knew you'd give in. Don't even worry about the money, I already told my mom and she was happy to pay for you too."

Y/n sighs, "Ryujin, you didn't have to."

"No but I wanted to. You're my best friend and I want the both of us to enjoy this year." She says.

"Thank you." Y/n nodded.

"Of course Babe. Now get some rest and I'll see you in the morning. Gotta give you the money and celebrate with some orange juice."

Y/n chuckles at what Ryujin said and just replies with a "okay". They both said "bye" before hanging up.

A good nights sleep is what she then got.


"Jiyeon honey make sure you drink your orange juice. Then you can go and play with your toys." Y/n smiles as she wipes the pancake syrup that stuck to her daughter's face.

Jisung sat across from her as he was reading the morning newspaper. The next thing that came out of his daughter's mouth threw him off.

"Mommy. Daddy won't leave us right?" She asks. Y/n's eyes widened, she turned her head which met Jisung's shocked eyes before looking back at Jiyeon.

"Why would you ask that honey?"

"Because he's always at work and the only time I see him is in the mornings. I can't even see him now because of the newspaper. You're not leaving are you daddy?" Jiyeon, almost on the verge of tears, asks.

Jisung quickly put down the newspaper and went to his daughter's side. "Of course not. I will take a day off and spend the whole day with you. How does that sound?"

"Jisung are you sure?" Y/n asks, worried that he might get in trouble.

"It's fine Y/n. How does that sound honey?" He smiles. Jiyeon happily nodded, "That sounds great. Let me drink my juice first then we can play."

Jisung chuckles, "Okay. Daddy will never leave you. Not ever." He quietly says as he admires his daughter.

Jisung quickly sat up from his bed as he was catching his breath, beads of sweat running down his forehead. He wipes the tears that ran heavily.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He cries. And he didn't stop. He had to rock himself back and forth before finally calming down.

"I'm sorry."


Ding~ Dong~

Y/n opened the door, "Ryujin when you said 'see you in the morning' I didn't think you'd come...this...early-." She trailed when she sees Jisung in front of her instead.

She wanted to ask what he was doing here but her eyes caught his red and puffy ones. She frowns, "Jisung are you okay? Did something happen?" She asks.

"I lost someone." His voice croaked. "Can I- can I come in?"

Y/n hesitated at first but she felt bad for the boy so she lets him in, taking him to the living room where he then sat on her couch.

"I'll grab you a water." Before Y/n could leave Jisung grabbed her wrist, "Wait. Can you stay?"

"O-okay." She awkwardly sat next to him not knowing what to do.

"Not to be rude or anything I understand that you're hurting right now, but shouldn't you be talking to Hyunjin or maybe even Ryujin about this?" Y/n carefully asks.

Jisung sniffles, "You're the first person I thought of."

Y/n was caught off guard. "Oh me? Um look we barely know each other but I will try and comfort you in some way."

"Could you tell me who'd you lost or don't, you know you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"It was someone very special." Y/n nodded as she listened. "I made this stupid wish and didn't even think what would happen to her." Jisung said without thinking.

"Wish? What wish?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

Jisung widened his eyes before internally panicking. He looks at Y/n before realizing what he has done. He just wanted to see Y/n hoping to see just a glimpse of Jiyeon but he didn't think he would reveal such a thing.

He quickly stood up, stumbling trying to regain his balance and conscience. "I'm so sorry for bothering you. I was just- I don't even know what took over me. Just forget I was over here."

Y/n just follows the boy as he struggled to make his way to the front door. "Wait Jisung if something's really wrong then you should tell someone. I understand that you made a mistake of coming here in the first place but please...don't do it again."

Jisung stumbles back onto the porch as he watches Y/n close her door. He groans into his hands, "Ugh you're such an idiot Jisung. Why would you say that?"

He sighs, "You're just gonna have to face the consequences." He says to himself.

Y/n peeks through the curtains as she sees Jisung puts his face into his hands on her front porch. "He just keeps getting weirder and weirder, doesn't he?"

She shook her head, making her way back to her room to sleep the last hour before having to get ready for school.

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