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Next morning

The four friends were quiet.

No one spoke in the cabin, when leaving the cabin, when grabbing breakfast, and when sitting down at the table. All they could hear were the other students around them talking and telling each other about how great their trip was so far.

Hyunjin and Y/n didn't want to speak because they weren't sure how well they could hold their emotions in. Jisung and Ryujin didn't dare to speak because they wanted their friends to tell them what was wrong.

"Okay I don't think I can handle this silence anymore." Ryujin got a little frustrated. "Will one of you tell us what happened last night?"

The quiet twins looked at each for a second before awkwardly looking away. "Nothing." They both said.

"Maybe you should just drop it Ryujin." Y/n quietly tells her friend. Ryujin wanted to say something but noticed how slightly puffy Y/n's eyes were. It seemed that no one else noticed because the boys were just quietly eating.

She didn't push any further. Although she was still curious.

"Hyunjin." She whispers only for the boy to hear. He looks up at her and Ryujin also sees his eyes were a little puffy. Were they both crying? Why?

"Uh never mind. I forgot what I was going to say." Hyunjin nods before going back to looking at his breakfast. Ryujin lightly sighs. What happened?


The class got split into a boys and girls team. By the end of the trip, whichever side has the most points wins bragging rights and a gift bag which they will receive once they head back to the school.

The first activity for the day was a scavenger hunt. Students will go with partners and be given a list of things they will need to find.


Ryujin and Y/n

The two girls walked side by side, walking around the campsite looking for the items on their lists. Although they didn't really care for it.

Now that it was just the two of them, Ryujin used this as a chance to ask Y/n what happened last night.

"Y/n." Ryujin held the girl's arm, stopping in their tracks. Y/n just sighs knowing exactly what this is about.

"Look if you don't want to tell me what happened between you and Hyunjin last night then can you at least tell me that you are feeling okay? I saw your eyes, you were crying last night weren't you?" She frowned.

"Hyunjin asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday." Y/n blurted.

Ryujin's eyes excitedly widened. "What?" She exclaimed. "That's a good thing right? Is it not?"

"I rejected him last night." She lowered her head.

Ryujin's smile left her lips. "What? I thought you like him. You guys looked very happy at school."

"Well he likes me and I rejected him because...because of my feelings for someone else." Y/n said then looked up at Ryujin to see her reaction. Ryujin looked at her confused and asked herself why she didn't know about this.

"Who?" Ryujin simply asked.

Y/n awkwardly looked away at first before looking back at Ryujin. "Han Jisung."

Ryujin's eyes softened. "Y/n..."

"I didn't know." She said with a soft tone.

Y/n lets out a small chuckle. "Of course you didn't know, I didn't tell you or anybody really."

Ryujin looked like she needed to sit so Y/n looked around for the nearest bench and sat them both down. Ryujin struggled to get her words out. "When- when did you start liking him?"

Y/n fiddled with her fingers. "Since freshmen year. It really just started as a silly school crush but I guess I started to really like him."

Ryujin took Y/n's hands into hers. "I'm so sorry. If I had known, I wouldn't have slept with him in the first place our junior year."

"Oh my gosh." She groaned like she just remembered something. "I really am sorry. I didn't know. The times I would joke about you liking him and you asking him out. I shouldn't have made those stupid jokes. I'm such a terrible friend."

"Hey hey." Y/n squeezed Ryujin's hands, reassuring her. "You have nothing to be sorry about. I'm the one who didn't tell you."

Ryujin sighs, "Were you angry with me?...when it happened. Did you hate me for that?" Y/n shook her head. "Never. If you was happy, then I was happy. I wouldn't ever let a boy come in between our friendship like that."

Ryujin smiled at that.

"So I guess that explains why you both were crying last night." Ryujin sighs. "You rejected Hyunjin and you felt bad."

Y/n nodded. "He knew about the whole 'me liking Jisung' thing and said he understands why I did it. I honestly don't know how I'm supposed to feel."

"Are you going to tell him? Jisung. Are you going to tell Jisung?" Ryujin asks. Y/n thought for a moment but she couldn't decide her answer. "After what I told Hyunjin, I don't think I will be able to go through with it."

"Here." Ryujin stands up, holding her hand out for Y/n to take. "Let's take your mind off it and just have fun. Maybe this scavenger hunt isn't so bad." She chuckles.

Y/n smiles at her friend before taking her hand, taking herself off the bench.


Hyunjin and Jisung

"Over there." Hyunjin points to the dreamcatcher hanging from one of the bushes. Jisung walks over and grabs it as he crosses it from their list.

Jisung walks back to Hyunjin and notices that he still looks the same from when they were at breakfast. Not sure if he's still tired but he remembers how he and Y/n came walking into the cabin last night.

"Hey do you think we can take a break and just talk for a minute?" Jisung asks. Hyunjin didn't say anything but just nods. They both took a seat at the bench near them.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Jisung asks. He really cared about his friend and if there was anything bothering him he would want Hyunjin to tell him.

Hyunjin decided to tell him about how he pretty much asked Y/n to be his girlfriend and that she rejected him, leaving out the detail to why she did what she did.

Knowing that Jisung was probably oblivious to the girl's feelings, Hyunjin didn't want to give him that. At least, not when he's still hurting from being rejected by the girl he really likes.

Then what came out of Jisung's mouth made Hyunjin sure to definitely not tell him.

"But she said she was going to give it a shot. I made sure of it." Jisung says, not being careful of what's coming out of his mouth.

Hyunjin's face expression changed. "You what? I'm sorry how do you know this?"

"After I heard your guys conversation in the cabin yesterday, I followed her out and she was saying how she wasn't sure and I told her why not give it a chance." He says.

After more and more words came out of the boy's mouth, Hyunjin became more infuriating. "You were listening to our conversation, then you followed her and told her to go for it."

"You know what? You are so unbelievable." Hyunjin stood up angrily from the bench. "Wait Hyunjin. I'm sorry for anything that I said- please where are you going?"

"Just- just let me think by myself. I'll see you at the cabin." Hyunjin shook his head before fully disappearing from Jisung's sight.

"But why didn't she say yes if she said she was going to?" Jisung asks himself. "I'm supposed to fix this and get them together, why does it seem harder than it is?"

Future Past |Han Jisung| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now