Twenty one

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Will you be my girlfriend?

That question kept repeating in Y/n's head. She knew it was bound to happen but why couldn't she bring herself to answer him she thought.

This morning

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Jisung asks as he was holding her hands in his.

Y/n gulps nervously. She loves him but why is she hesitating to answer she thought. Before she could answer, the school bell rang signaling students to get to class.

"Y/n?" Jisung calls to get her attention. Just then a group of girls came through, pulling her to the side. "Uh- I'll see you in class." She managed to say before the group of girls pulled her out of Jisung's sight.

Jisung was confused. He continued to think while walking to class.

Y/n on the other hand felt a little relieved that her classmates had pulled her away. "What happened?" She asked.

"Did you get it?" Yunjin exclaimed. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. "Get what?"

"Your college letter. You know, the one that says whether you got in or not." Chaewon says.

Yunjin and Chaewon are Y/n's friends she made in the beginning of the school year when they found out that they planned on going to the same college after graduation.

Yunjin nodded. "We both got ours this morning. We wanted to wait for yours so we can open it together."

"Um I think I recalled seeing it when I went through the mail this morning." Y/n says.

The two girls smiled. "Let's all bring our letters tomorrow. We can meet tomorrow morning to open it." Yunjin exclaims. Chaewon agrees while Y/n just blankly nods.

"We'll see you later Y/n." Chaewon waves before the two walks away.

Y/n again blankly nods, waving bye.

She thinks to herself, letting her feet take her to her class. She remembers now.

Remembers why she couldn't bring herself to answer Jisung. That scary thought came back. The thought of being left heartbroken if she got together with him.

All her life she has thought of leaving but never did she thought that someone like Jisung could possibly change her mind so easily.

Could he easily change her mind she thought.


Y/n was now laying on her bed, holding her college letter in her hand. She holds it up trying to look through the envelope, hoping she could read it.

She couldn't.

She sighs, putting it back down. Y/n sits up groaning with her head in her hands. She got up from her bed and started walking back and forth in her room.

She was thinking.

She suddenly stops and grabs her phone that laid on her bed. She types on it then holds it to her ear.

There was a ring.

"Hello?" A voice was heard on the other side.

Y/n pauses. "Jisung. Can we talk? Can you come over right now?" She asks.

"Okay." Y/n couldn't read his tone but instead responds with an "okay" before hanging up.


Minutes later knocks were heard coming from the front door. Y/n lets out a deep breath before opening the door. She sees Jisung but she couldn't read his face expression.

They both were feeling nervous. Quite opposite from this morning. Y/n didn't know this but when she didn't answer his question, it made him doubt himself.

"Hi." She softly greets.

Jisung held a small smile. "Hi." He mutters.

"Come in." Y/n steps to the side to allow Jisung room to enter. They both walk into the living room and sat next to each other on the couch.

"Look Jisung, I just want to start by saying I'm sorry." Y/n says, looking straight to avoid the boy's eyes.

"For not answering my question this morning or for avoiding me the whole day?" Jisung carefully asks.

Y/n lowered her head, "Both." She moved in her seat and turned to face the boy. "I just- I want to say yes but..."

Jisung looks worried as he looks at her. "But what?"

"But I'm scared." Her voice croaked. "Senior year is coming to an end and-..." Y/n stopped herself from going on. She didn't know if she should tell him about the college letter or not.

She gulps. "And I don't know what's going to happen if we got together."

Jisung took her hands into his, making her look at him. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm scared too."

"You are?" She mutters. He nods. "I was thinking the same way you did, scared of what could happen but after I realized how much I love you, I decided fuck it. I want to be with you." He confesses.

A tear escapes from Y/n's eyes as she smiles at the boy. "I love you Han Jisung." She caresses his cheek with her hand.

Jisung places his hand on top of hers. "Then what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?"

Y/n looks at him for a moment. All she thought about was him. She'd let go of what could happen, of the college letter, and the what ifs.

"Yes. I will be your girlfriend." Y/n says.

Jisung jumps in his seat, "She said yes." He exclaims. He pulls her under him, hugging her as he was on top. Y/n chuckles at how excited he became.

Jisung was able to calm down and once he realized what he said and how Y/n was looking at him, it all felt very familiar.

Y/n noticed his change in mood. "What's wrong?" She asks. Jisung blinks, sitting down as Y/n does the same. He shook his head, "Nothing."

He looks at her with a smile again. "I'm just very happy." He was genuine this time. She pecks his lips before resting her head on his shoulder. "Me too."

Future Past |Han Jisung| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now