[End] Twenty five

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Knock. Knock.

Y/n gets off the bed, going to open the door. Jisung looks, wondering who was here.

Exchanges of "Hi" could be heard.

Jisung became even more curious.

Then they start to come into Jisung's view. It wasn't just one person but two.

Ryujin and Hyunjin.

Jisung couldn't believe it. He had a surprised expression, his mouth gaped and tears started to form, threatening to fall.

"Oh my god." He manages to say. Ryujin and Hyunjin had the same expression but with smile on their faces.

Hyunjin was holding a few balloons and Ryujin had a bouquet of flowers in her hand. "Hey." Hyunjin said with a soft tone.

Jisung felt like he just saw them a few hours ago but again, he remembers the life he returned to. The past with a lot of painful memories and lost friendships.

"Can I hug you?" Hyunjin nervously asks.

Jisung softly chuckles, "Of course you can. Get over here." He exclaims, opening up his arms. Hyunjin quickly puts down the balloons, which had weights and tightly hugged Jisung.

"Me too. Me too." Ryujin smiles. She hugs Jisung from behind Hyunjin.

Y/n chuckles at the scene. Admiring it.

They let go of the hug and Ryujin hands Jisung the flowers. "I'm really happy you're okay Jisung. Although I hate that we had a reunion like this with you in the hospital." She says, going over to Y/n to wrap her arm around her shoulder.

"Speaking of, how are you guys here? How are you guys since...you know?" Jisung carefully asks.

Y/n looks at Jisung. "After I got the call from the hospital, I was freaking out and I didn't know what to do. Then I thought of the one person who knew how to calm me down and tell me what I needed to do."

"She called me." Ryujin continues.

Y/n nods. "Jiyeon and I only had you Jisung. I didn't know what I would do without you. If it wasn't for Ryujin, I would've lost my mind."

Ryujin hugs Y/n into her side with her arm still around her shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile.

Jisung suddenly remembered something again. Jiyeon. "Oh my god Jiyeon. Where is she? Is Jiyeon doing okay?" Jisung worries about his daughter he didn't see for what it felt like forever.

Hyunjin rests his hand on Jisung's shoulder. "Ryujin's mom is watching her and Yujin at her house." He says.

Jisung sighs in relief. "Wait? Who's Yujin?" He questions then notices a wedding band on Hyunjin's finger. His eyes snapped to look at Hyunjin. Then looks at Ryujin when she chuckled.

"I guess this is the right time to tell you. Hyunjin and I are married now." She smiles. "And Yujin is our daughter, she's about 3 years younger than Jiyeon."

Jisung smiles and looks back at Hyunjin. "You got married." Then his smile drops. "And I wasn't there for it. I'm sorry."

Hyunjin pursed his lips. "If it sounds fair, I wasn't really there for you both when you had Jiyeon and I didn't hear about you two getting married until Y/n called Ryujin."

"I guess we all got a lot to catch up on." Jisung says.

"We sure do." Hyunjin says. The girls nodded, agreeing.


Days later

Jisung was able to get out of the hospital bed without trouble and finally got discharged from the hospital.

When he went home, he and Y/n decided to finally make some changes in their lives, but it was positive changes.

Jisung quit his office job to spend more time with Jiyeon and Y/n.

Then they moved out of their house to move back into Y/n's old house to be closer to Ryujin, Hyunjin, and their daughter, Yujin.

Also, so that Jiyeon has someone closer to her age to play with.

After moving back into their old town, things got better for Y/n and Jisung.

Y/n started to work beside with Ryujin in Ryujin's business that she started, which is now becoming a more of a success when weeks went by.

For Jisung, well when he thought it couldn't happen, it did. He ran into his high school club mates, Chan and Changbin, who were now producing for a huge company. They managed to get Jisung an audition and to no one's surprise, he passed and is now happily working beside his friends.

Wondering about Hyunjin? Well he auditioned for the same company and is now a dance teacher at said company.

During those weeks the two couples were catching up, everything that happened in high school was cleared up, forgiven, and moved on from.

Although it felt like none of it has happened, Jisung will always remember the experience he had when being taken back to the past and never taking anything for regret. Because from that, he realized that everything he could have asked for was in-front of him the entire time.

Without his past, there wouldn't be his future.

A/n: And that's a wrap.

I hope you guys enjoyed this story. Please let me know what you think of this story. Thank you everyone for reading!

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