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"No alcohol," I remind the girls. Katelyn was writing in her baby blue colored notebook with the small white words 'Fuck Off' on the front. "We wouldn't want any more sheets getting dirty like last time." Kawaii-chan laughs at the memory of that awful, drunk night.

"Well that's what happens when your too drunk. You hook up with someone and then BAM! You just lost your virginity." Katelyn laughs and I roll my eyes in annoyance. While those two were still snoozing off, I was the one who had to clean Kawaii-chan's house. Yes, we had a party at her house.

The three of us continue discussing about the party that Katelyn will be throwing at her house this friday. We later stop in front of Katelyn's locker. "I think we got everyone." She says as she opens her locker and puts away her notebook. Before she could close it, I quickly stop her to ask if she has any more envelopes. "Yeah. Why?"

"Can you just give me one?" She hands me a blue envelope. "Thanks!"


Snickering was heard as Aaron was walking by. He knew that it was about him. He could feel their eyes on him. Aaron was heading over to his locker but as soon as he spotted Gene leaning against his locker, he stopped, a few feet away from Gene.

"What took you so long?" Gene asked, lifting his head up to look at Aaron. Aaron gulped and backed away slowly. "Scared?" Gene smirked. He walked up to Aaron and stared at him.

"What do you want?" Aaron asked, trying to sound confident.

"Me? Oh, I'm just here to brag about the party," Gene took out a blue envelope from his pocket and waved it in front of Aaron. "Knowing Aphmau, she'll be there, and she'll be wearing a tight, short, revealing dress, just like always." Tight, short, and revealing? Aaron imagined Aphmau in that type of dress, slowly taking it off in front of him. He quickly snapped out of it when Gene started talking, again. "Sadly, you won't be there since you definitely weren't invited. And surprisingly, the nerds get invited but you don't? Now, that's pretty funny!"

"I don't care..."

"Well, you should! Cause, man! That last party, Aphmau got super drunk that she stripped right in front of everyone-"

"In your dreams!" Gene turned around and saw Aphmau standing there with her arms crossed. "That never happened. The drunk part is true but the stripping? Now that's something you wish happened, but it didn't and I'm glad."

Aphmau walked up to them and stood in front of Aaron. She glared at Gene and told him to back off. He rolled his eyes and left, mumbling the words, "Weakling."

Aphmau and Aaron both watch Gene leave. After he disappeared, Aphmau happily turned around with a smile on her face. She took out a blue envelope and gave it to Aaron. He looked down at it, confused of why she gave him the envelope.

"Congrats, cutie! You're invited to your first high school party!"

"H-high school p-party? What?"

"One of my friends is throwing a party at her house and you're invited!"

"This is a joke... r-right?"


Aaron stares at the envelope and smiles. This is his first party! And I mean party in general. He never once been invited to anything or anywhere. No birthday party. No sleepover. No hangout. No nothing! Although, he was friends with Laurence and they hung out a lot, only at Aaron's house. But to Aaron, it doesn't count. Laurence only used him, to make a big fool out of him. But sometimes it's Aaron's anxiety that would normally get in the way.

"I really hope to see you there," Aphmau softly said. Aaron looked at her and blushed.

"Y-yeah! Of c-course! Sure! Yeah! D-definitely!-"

Aphmau bursted out laughing. Aaron felt embarrassed that he covered his face with the envelope. "You're just way too cute!" She heard him squeak which made her laugh more. "Why are you so nervous?"

"I d-don't know!"

"Oh come on, Aaron! You don't have to be nervous around me anymore."

"I know! B-but this is the f-first time a g-girl asked m-me- all the girls said that I won't have a chance with anyone!" He blurted out without thinking.

Aphmau stood there in shock. Her baby was getting hurt by some ungrateful slugs. "Aaron," she looked around before continuing, "we had sex, didn't we?" Aaron nodded as he blushed. "So don't listen to those hoes! They're nothing but slugs, okay? People are underestimating you, they don't know you like I do." His heart fluttered, he felt safe and comfortable around Aphmau now. "By the way, make sure to wear something casual, I know this is your first high school party so don't worry about what to wear."

Aaron forced a laugh, "Yeah! Thanks for mentioning that! It's not like I was going to ask for my sister's help!" Realizing what he just said, he facepalmed, 'Did I really just say that?'

Aphmau laughed, "Yeah, alright!" She walked off, still laughing at her dork.

'I'm such an idiot! Why the hell did I say that! She probably thinks that I'm going ask my lame sister! Pfft! Like I'm going to do that. There's no way that I'm going to ask some trash for advice. No way!'


"Please! Melissa! I love you!" Aaron has been begging his sister to help him for the past 2 hours. "I'm your little brother! You should help me! You HAVE to help me!" He had his arms around her left leg while the rest of his body was being dragged as Melissa walked around.

She was already irritated by him, being annoyed by someone for 2 hours straight will make her have the urge to choke or kill someone. (Just like how my older sister tried to get rid of me by choking me :,) but thank god I scared her by pretending to be dead.) "Alright! Fine!" Aaron smiled. "But let go of my leg."

"O-oh. S-sorry."

"You're acting like a 4 year old!"

"Please don't tell Aphmau..."

Melissa smirked, "Why? You scared that she'll think differently about you?"

"No! Now help me!"

"Alright, alright, calm down."

'Can't believe I asked her for help.'

'Hopefully nothing goes wrong at the party..'

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