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"Daddy~ I want you~" Aphmau wraps her arms around Aaron's neck. Aaron sticks his tongue in her mouth.

"Soon princess." He starts to take Aphmau's shirt off. "We gotta save the fun for last." Aphmau moans as Aaron starts to attack her neck, finding her sweet spot.

After 19 minutes of their make out session, Aaron lays Aphmau down on his bed.

He unclips her bra and starts sucking on her breast. She moans as his tongue licks her nipples.

They start getting more into it. They're clothes were off and Aaron was ready to stick himself into Aphmau.

"Do it." Aphmau says. Aaron nods and slowly puts it into Aphmau. He waits for Aphmau to get over the pain.

She nods. He starts to thrust into her. Aphmau starts moaning loudly, calling him daddy, telling him to go deeper.

"I'm about to cum." Aaron warns her.

"Fuck it! Just come! I don't care. As long as I have your child then everything will be alright." Aphmau pants.

"Aaron!~ Time to wake up!~" Melissa sang loudly as she hit two pans together, aggressively.

Aaron jumps nearly half to death. He throws a pillow at Melissa to make her stop.

She laughs, "Calm down. Breakfast is downstairs, hurry up and get ready." She walks out, closing the door behind her.

Aaron sighs and starts remembering his dream. He sits up, face all red, eyes wide.

"What the hell was I dreaming?" His heart was pounding in his chest.


Aaron wraps his arms around Aphmau's waist, bringing her closer. They start to make out, Aphmau runs her fingers through his hair.

Her hand makes their way down to unbuckle his belt. She pulls away from the kiss, giving Aaron a smirk.

He watches as she goes down, pulling his pants and boxers down along with her. She looks up at him and winks.

Wrapping her hand around his cock and putting it in her mouth. She starts sucking on it. Aaron grabs her head and pushes it forward towards him, hoping Aphmau had it all the way in.

'I wonder if sex feels good like in the movies. Does it feel good?' Aaron wondered. 'I hope I get a chance to do it with Aphmau.'

And maybe...

Just maybe...

My dream could come true...?

"Ow!" A voice said as Aaron nearly fell. He looks at the person in front of him.

'Oh crap.'

"Aaron?" Aphmau's eyes looks up at him, making him blush. Panic ran through his body. Instead of wanting to run away, he stood there like a statue.

"Are you ok?" She asked. Her voice made his mind go somewhere. Was it weird that he wanted to hear her call him something else?

Aaron wanted to say something but the bell rang. Was it good or bad? He was glad that the bell saved him. But he was also upset.

Aphmau grabs his hand and starts running towards their class. Trying not to look down at her skirt, Aaron closes his eyes to not look.

"We're here!" She lets go of his hand. "Come on!"


Throughout the whole day, Aphmau couldn't keep her eyes away from Aaron. She kept trying to glance down at him.

She felt thirsty. Hungry. She wanted it. She needed it. She needed it in her mouth. She needed it inside her.

Hiding in the bathroom wasn't going to help. Masturbating at school? That was tough since she couldn't hide a good spot. It only happened twice at school and many times at home when she was home alone.

"Damn, Aaron.~" Aphmau imagined Aaron touching her everywhere. It would feel amazing if it was actually happening.

It would be her first time doing this. It was weird that she never felt this way in any of her relationships. The longest relationship she ever had was 2 years and a half.

Her heart danced around as she thought of Aaron. She was starting to feel really wet. This made her feel like a slut. Was she a slut? She dated many guys and girls. Although, most of her relationships only lasted for less than 6 months.

Cheating. Changed feelings. Looks and popularity. It was always those! Was she stupid? Thinking that she's going to be with them forever? Was she scared? Yes. After almost losing her virginity to someone.

"Aaron~ Please make me yours~" Was Aaron the one? Is he going to treat her right? Or is she going to make a mistake?

Fuck it! Fuck it all! She needs Aaron to make her feel good. She has hope. Hope that Aaron is the one.

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