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Phoenix Drop High School

December 17, 2016
Sophomore year isn't so bad. :) It's going great! :D Garroth is still bullying me. I still get picked on. And guess what? It still feels like its freshman year! Same thing is happening! The only thing that changed was that Laurence is finally gone. After getting rejected by Aphmau but mostly because he did something.

I kinda wanted Melissa to cut off his dick after what happened. I kinda miss our friendship. It's all my fault. I let my anger take over me, it separated us. I mean, WHO THE HELL TRIES TO HAVE SEX WITH THEIR FRIEND'S SISTER WHO IS WAY OLDER THAN THEM??

Aaron stops writing. He sighs, putting the pencil down.

'I'm just glad he got caught fucking that teacher in the classroom.'

Aaron looks down at his red notebook, thinking, 'Why am I still writing in this stupid notebook.' He closes it and puts it beside him. He looks up, focusing on Aphmau.

"Alrighty class, today we are going to play volleyball." The teacher blows his whistle. "Katelyn and Garroth! You two are going to be picking your teammates."

Katelyn and Garroth make their way to the middle of the gym. They start calling out names.


"Aphmau!" Garroth interrupts. Katelyn growls at him, making him laugh.

"You do know it was MY turn, right?" She snarled.

"So? You were too slow." Katelyn ignores him and continues picking people.

Aphmau rolls her eyes and starts walking towards Garroth, standing behind him. He winks at her but she just scoffs and looks the other way.

Everyone was already chosen. There was no one left, except Aaron. He always sits on the bleachers and watch.

The teacher blows his whistle. "Alright! And start!" He throws the ball at Katelyn, she catches it and the competition begins.

Aaron watched as Aphmau catches the ball. She was pretty good at volleyball. Her hair was in a ponytail, it made her look even cuter.

Aaron sigh as his blush started appearing. If only I could touch her and feel her. He started daydreaming.

"Watch out!" The teacher shouts. Although it was too late. The ball hit Aaron right in the face. Everyone went silent and watched as the teacher ran over to Aaron.

"Are you okay?" He ask. Aaron's nose was bleeding.

Does it look like I'm ok? Aaron wanted to say out loud but just kept it to himself.

Then Aphmau started yelling at Garroth. "What the hell? Why did you do that?"

Garroth shrugs, "It was an accident, calm down." Aphmau puts a hand on her chest and yells, "Calm down? Accident? You obviously hit him on purpose!"

Why is she standing up for me? Wait, does this make me weak and pathetic?

"He deserves it." Garroth laughs, everyone else joins in. Aphmau scoffed. She runs over to Aaron to make sure he's okay.

"Someone needs to take him to the nurse." The teacher said.

Aphmau volunteers, "I'll do it!" The teacher nods and gives her a pass.


"He'll be alright." The nurse assured. "He just needs to go home and rest."

"Are you sure he's ok?" Aphmau sounded very concerned. She wanted to make sure he didn't lose a lot of blood.

The nurse turns away. "Of course he's okay! I'm a nurse!" She heads out, closing the door behind her.

"No need to get angry." Aphmau mumbles. "I'm a nurse," she mocks. "Says the one that literally gives out ice packs to students who have a broken leg or arm."

Aphmau turns to Aaron. She moves his hair out of his eyes. "You okay?" She asks. Aaron looked at her and blushed. He slowly nods.

Aphmau sits down on the chair beside him. "You don't talk much, do you?" She leans in. She grabs his hand and intertwines her fingers with his.

Her hand is soft.

Aphmau bites her lower lip. She leans in more, her face inches away from his neck. He could feel her warm breath, he looked away, still holding his tissue on his nose.

He flinched when he felt something touch his neck.

Did she just lick me?

Aphmau starts slowly kissing his neck, giving him pecks. She puts her free hand on his leg, slowly making her way somewhere that was off limits.

Aaron didn't know what to do so he just let her do whatever she was trying to do. But she was interrupted by Aaron's phone.

[Melissa] Hey bro! I'm picking you up. I had to get off work early because of you so you own me! >:(

Aaron cursed under his breath. He was about to put his phone away but then it started ringing. It was Melissa. He groan. He didn't want to answer but he had to.

He pressed 'accept'. He puts his phone up to his ear and says, "Hello?"

"I'm going to kill you when we get home." Melissa shouts.

Aphmau looks at Aaron. Her cheeks turning a light shade of red.

His voice...

She bites her lower lip. Her eyes looks down at his 'belt'.

I want it...

"Look I'm sorry. It's not my fault that I got hit in the face with a ball." He argued.

"I don't care-"

"You're kinda breaking up, Mel."

"Aaron! I swear! If you hang up-"

After Aaron hangs up he puts his phone away and stands up.

Aphmau giggles. That was cute. She thought.

"You gotta go?" She stands up as Aaron nods. She walks up to him and smiles. "Do you think that maybe... I can go over to your place someday?"

Without thinking, Aaron responded with a, "Yeah!" He realizes his mistake and covers his mouth.

Aphmau lets out a chuckle. She caresses his cheek and smiles. "See you tomorrow?" She asks. Aaron stutters, "Y-yeah."

She smirks and goes up to his ear to whisper, "By the way, you sound really hot."

She winks at him and walks away.

Did I really just talk to her?

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