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'She really gave me a lot of hickeys this time.'

After Aphmau dropped me off, I thought of taking a shower so I can lay in bed and relax. My energy is very low after all that fun I just had with my girlfriend, especially in the car. I do feel really bad for the guy tho, having to hear and see that must have been very uncomfortable for him.

But remembering my behavior today, Aph doesn't seem to judge my childlike behavior, at least I don't think so.


[Girlfriend🥰] Enjoy this, daddy ;)

Seeing the notification from my girlfriend, I quickly pick up my phone and unlock it. Knowing her, it was obviously something dirty. When I clicked on the message, there was a picture above the text. It was Aphmau. Naked on the bed.

It was a nude.

I could already feel myself getting hard again. Why can't I control myself? It makes me feel like those types of guys. But I want more nudes from her. Will it be wrong to ask her for more? She's my girlfriend but I feel like it's a bit disrespectful, but I'm sure she doesn't mind, but what if she does? I mean, she already sent me one. Fuck it! I'm asking!

Can you send more?

"Dammit! Why do I get so nervous? I already seen her naked before!"

Sure 😘
Anything for my daddy

3 more pictures were sent. Next thing I know, I had my hand under my towel. I stared at each picture for about 3 minutes. Each picture she was in a different position.

"Maybe I should send a picture too." I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is still wet so it'll probably make me look a bit hot. I hold up my phone right in front of me. "I never done this before."

My hand was shaking. 'Will she like this or will she want something else?' I could take a picture of something else.

I look down and blush. I look at myself in the mirror again and quickly take a picture. I then let my towel drop to the floor, taking a quick picture of my dick. This felt really weird but I have a feeling that I'll get used to it soon.


I giggle as I sent 3 more pictures to Aaron. I can imagine how bad he's blushing right now. If only I could see his cute and handsome face.

Having to date a hot looking guy with a cute personality, it's absolutely amazing. Aaron's personality is just way too cute, it's very childlike but very adorable, even if he's stubborn sometimes. It adds to his personality. Although, I might be spoiling him a bit too much with the amount of love I'm giving him.


[Daddy💋🍆] Here, so you can get all horny and wet :D

I laugh at his message, knowing it probably took him a lot of courage for him to send that. I tap on the message and two pictures shows up. The first one is him holding up the phone in front of his face while his other hand was in his wet hair, water dripping down his abs and a black towel wrapped around his waist. 'Damn, that's just fucking hot!' The second picture was his dick. His huge dick.

"Looks like he wants to tease me too." I bite my lip and play with my hair as I text him back. We continue for about 10 minutes until I heard footsteps getting closer to my door. And I remembered that I didn't put my clothes back on, I was fucking naked.

A knock was heard, along with my father's voice, "Aph?" He called out. I panicked when I couldn't find my bra. "Aphmau?"

"Uh, hang on, I'm... I'm changing!" A bag from the sex store, that me and Aaron went to, was on the floor. 'Fuck! I forgot about this!' I grabbed the bag and stuffed it under my bed. I jumped on the bed, grabbed the blankets and covered myself with it. "Uh, come in!" The door opened and my father peaked his head in.

"Why are you in bed?"

"I'm really cold."

"But your room isn't cold."

"Well... What are you doing here?"

My dad walked over to me and sat down on my bed. I felt myself panicking inside, if he finds out I was sending nudes to a guy, I'll be dead and so will Aaron. He's strict when it comes to me dating guys but not girls which is very stupid and unfair.

"Your mother told me that you're going out this Saturday."

"S-she did?"

"Yeah. And I'm wondering why you didn't tell me as well. You always tell the both of us, don't you? So, why?"

"It's... it's because—"

"It's a guy, isn't it?"


"Aphmau, sweetheart, you know I don't like the idea of you dating a guy."

"And what's wrong with that? You don't seem to have a problem with me dating girls but you have a problem with guys? I don't understand. And you're a guy yourself!"

"Yes but I just don't think guys... are suitable for you."

I roll my eyes at him. We already had this talk many times before. Kinda weird that I have a dad who prefers to have a lesbian daughter instead of straight since there are lots of parents that don't want a gay child.

"I know you liked Jenny when you first met her. But we had to break up cause we couldn't keep up with our relationship after she moved. We couldn't make time for each other! We were both busy! Yeah, I miss her a lot! But I'm happy in the relationship that I'm in right now, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else."

"So you do have a boyfriend?" My dad sounded disappointed but tried to hide it.

"Dad, the guy I'm dating right now is nice. He may not be all tough and all but at least he cares for me," I explained. "His personality may be childlike but it's cute! He probably acts all shy because he's scared of being judged for being himself. He makes me happy and I make him happy, we both make each other happy. And no, he may not be rich but at least he has a heart unlike some people that I dated in the past." My dad looks at me and then gets up from my bed.

"Fine." He walks to the door and puts his hand on the door knob. "I want to meet him then."

I sigh, "Fine. Just name the time and date." Honestly, I don't like the idea of this. Aaron is a very shy person who has social anxiety. I'm just scared that something will happen to him since my dad isn't the type of person to easily get along with.

"I don't have a specific date but I want it next month at exactly 6:10! Besides, there's a little surprise for you next month."

"A surprise? It's not my birthday next month or any other special occasions that I can think of."

"I know. You just have to wait and see," he smiles before closing the door. I listen for his footsteps, they slowly disappear as he walks farther away from my room.

I throw the blanket to the side and let out a groan. "Finally he's gone!" I sit up, feeling a bit angry, I pick up my phone and see that Aaron sent me a message about 13 minutes ago.

[Daddy💋🍆] I can't wait to see you again, you're making me very excited rn 😊

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