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Phoenix Drop Middle School

January 17, 2014
Her beauty is what caught my eyes. My heart about to jump out my chest when I'm around her. Her kindness and smile is what makes me feel so, carefree, cheerful, falling more in love with her. Her eyes, her long black raven hair, her sense in fashion, her natural makeup. She's everything.

Aphmau Shalashaska . My angel, my light in the dark, my crush, my love-

"Hey lone wolf!" A fist banged against the locker above Aaron's head. The booming sound startled Aaron, nearly, to death.

"What the hell, Laurence?" Aaron glared at Laurence as the brown hair boy was opening his locker.

"Heh, sorry," He apologized. "What are you writing in your diary?" He asked in a jokingly manner.

Aaron quickly closed his red notebook before standing up. He opens his locker and shoves it in his backpack. "It's not a diary..." He slams the locker as he looks away, hoping Laurence didn't notice his reddening face.

The brown haired boy laughed at his shy friend. "Oh come on, Aaron," he leans on the lockers, arms crossed against his chest, trying to look 'cool'. "We're friends! I know you, Aaron. It's about Aphmau, isn't it?" He smirks.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Aaron starts walking away from Laurence.

Laurence quickly follows Aaron to the cafeteria. He looks down at his watch. "Looks like Miss Popular new girl is coming this way."


"Miss Popular new girl!"

"Miss Popular new girl?"

Laurence points a finger towards a group of girls that were coming their way. "Shalashaska and her friends!" He pointed out.

Aaron quickly takes notice of the approaching group of girls. He sees a raven haired girl, along with three other familiar girls.

Katelyn, pale skin, turquoise blue eyes and pastel blue hair. Kawaii Chan/Kc/Nana, whatever you want to call her by, bright pink hair, golden colored eyes, and a very pale white skin tone. Black ears and tail with a perfectly pink bow wrapped around her tail. Lucinda, long orange hair, crimson red eyes, peachy skin. And of course, there's Aphmau, long black raven hair, tan skin, and amber-colored eyes.

"Hey girls!" Laurence waved with that stupid smirk on his face. The girls wave back at him. Aaron tries to avoid eye contact with them, especially Aphmau.

Aphmau took notice, instead of talking to him she just smiles and waves at him before walking off. She could tell that he was nervous.

As the two boys watched the girls walk away, Laurence puts an arm around Aaron's neck and points a finger at his chest. "Dude! Chill!" He jokes, "You won't have a chance if you keep up this awkward behavior."

"I know," Aaron frowns, "She wouldn't want to date an awkward guy like me." He states. "I want her to notice me and open her eyes, I want her to know that there's more to me than people say."

Laurence turns his head to the other direction, he puts a hand over his mouth to hide his laughter.

"I don't want to sound rude but..." Aaron looks at him, concerned. "You don't really stand a chance, you're just too awkward." Laurence points out, "I have a 99% chance to make a move on her and win her heart, and you, you have a 3% chance." He pokes Aaron's chest with his index finger.

"But isn't she still dating Jenny?"

That's right. Jenny, as in Jennifer Rose. Aphmau's current girlfriend.

Titanium blonde hair, dark bluish-Indigo eyes, tanned skin with an orange undertone. Aaron had to admit, she is pretty, although, it makes him jealous that she gets to be with Aphmau.

Those two started dating two weeks ago. It started at a sleepover with some of their friends (girls only) they were playing spin the bottle. No ones knows why they played it, some thought because they were all lesbians (which grossed a lot of people) while others thought it was for fun.

It was confirmed that Aphmau was bi, although this didn't bother Aaron or some other students. "Girls doing cute things... are so cute." Most guys like to say.

Aphmau and Jenny making out in a closet for 10 minutes. That's when their feelings for each other began. Although, it took a lot of courage for Aphmau to ask out Jenny 4 days later.

"That's true," Laurence says as he looks over at Jenny who was on her phone. "But when they break up that'll be my cue."

Aaron immediately takes Laurence's arm off. "Just like that?" He said with a tad of anger in his voice.

Laurence raises an eyebrow at him. "What are you saying?" He crossed his arms.

"Just like that? As soon as those two break up you're just going to swoop in and 'win' her heart." Aaron's voice starts rising. "Girls have feelings too, you know? One of them, or both, could be devastated. There will always be one who would be crushed after a breakup." As much as Aaron is jealous of Jenny, he still cares about their feelings.

Laurence rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Girls? Feelings? Come on, Aaron!"

Aaron was about to talk back but Laurence puts up a hand to stop him. "Let's play video games after school. At your house." He starts walking off. "Oh! And is your sister going to be home?"


"Aaron! Hurry up! You're going to be late!" A female voice yelled from downstairs.

Aaron groans, "In a minute!" He yells back. He slowly gets out of bed and heads to his bathroom. He does his morning routine.

There was a knock at his door.

"Aaron~ It's me! Mel! Can I come in?"

"Sure. I don't care."

The door opens and Melissa walks in.

"I made pancakes!" She said all excited. Aaron on the other hand, he didn't give a crap.

Melissa crosses her arms, "Why are you so mad?"

"I'm going to be late." Aaron grabs his bookbag and walks pass Melissa.

She hears the door open and close downstairs. She sighs.


It was almost 8. The huge school made Aaron feel so uneasy. Was it the school or someone?

At least Laurence isn't here anymore. Aaron thought to himself. He looks around and starts walking inside. He goes to his locker, avoiding everyone.

As he was putting his things away he hears yelling from around the corner. He peeks and sees two familiar people.

Aphmau and Garroth.

Aaron quickly goes back to his locker and shuts it before running off to the bathroom.

"Shit! No, no, no. She's there. He's there. Why am I sweating so much?" His panic was picking up. "Just great! I guess it's another day of getting beaten up once again..."

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