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It's finally Saturday. Aphmau was waiting for Aaron in her car that she recently got after months of begging her parents. Aaron was nervous and excited for his first date with his girlfriend.

He made sure that he looked hot enough for Aphmau. He looked at himself in the mirror one last time before running downstairs. "Don't get home too late." Aaron turned around and nodded at his mother. "And don't have too much fun." Rachel smiled. Aaron's face went red, he stared at his mother and let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah. Ok. Well, I gotta go. Bye!" He opens the door and quickly slams it shut. 'How the hell did she find out? Did Melissa tell her? I'm going to kill her if she did! But she was probably just messing around with me. I just hope it was a joke.'

As Aaron entered the car Aphmau greeted him with a smile, "Hey, babe!" The name made him blush.

"H-hey!" He stuttered. Aaron closed the door and stared at Aphmau. "Your dress... it's tight... and short!" Aphmau smirked at him. "I love it!" He said, sounding a bit horny.

Aphmau pecks him on the lips. "Thanks. You look handsome yourself." She puts her hands on the steering wheel and waits for Aaron to put his seatbelt on. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah!" Aphmau started the car and quickly drove off. A couple minutes later, she felt a hand on her thigh. She kept her eyes on the road, thankfully there was a traffic light ahead, it was red so she slowly stopped behind the white line.

His hand slowly moved up her dress. Aphmau looked at Aaron, who was facing the other way, she noticed him blushing which made her laugh. "We're going somewhere where there will be a lot of people so don't get us excited, well, don't get yourself excited," she teased.

Aaron moved his hand away and crossed his arms, he continues to look out the window but then starts pouting. Aphmau took notice of this. She sighs, grabbing his hand and intertwining her fingers with his. She could already feel the small smile form on his face.


"We're here." The couple unbuckles their seatbelt and opens the door, getting off and then closing it. They both hold each other's hand before going in. "There's a lot of people here," Aaron says. "It's fine. I'm right here with you." Aphmau reassures him.

A lady then comes up to them with a smile. "Hi!" She greets the couple. "Hi, can we have a table for two, please?" The lady nods, "Of course! Just follow me." They follow her to a nice, clean table with two chairs on each side. "Here are the menus."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome and I'll have someone assist you right away."

Aphmau nods at her before the lady walks away. She opens the menu and looks through it. "These are kinda expensive," her boyfriend points out. He looks at her with a worried look. "Order whatever you want. I got money." Aaron looks back down at the menu, carefully looking through all the delicious looking food. "Are you sure?" Aphmau playfully rolls her eyes. "Of course, Aaron. Don't be shy."

"Can I have dessert right after?"



After looking through the menu and deciding what they're going to get, someone walks over to their table with a notepad and a pencil. "Hello, are you two ready to order?"


Not once in his lifetime has he ever tasted something as delicious as the restaurant's cheesecake. Aphmau couldn't help but giggle at her boyfriend happily eating his cheesecake that she ordered for him. "Are you enjoying your little dessert there?" Aaron nodded, his mouth full of the sweet dessert. "Slow down, I don't want you to choke."

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