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My House

December 23, 2016
Should I really be going to this party? Or should I just stay home? I don't even know what I'm going to get myself into! What if something goes wrong? If I don't go, I can just relax here and play my game but people will probably be surrounding Aphmau, wanting to have sex with her! And if I go, I can be with Aphmau! Besides, she wants me to go.

"You still write in your diary?" Melissa teased. Aaron quickly closed his notebook and threw it at the wall.

His face flushed, "It's not a diary!" He stood up and walked over to his black body mirror. "Should I really be going?"

"I didn't spend this whole 3 days trying to find a perfect outfit for you, just so you won't go?"

"I'm just saying-"

"You're going whether you like it or not!"

"Ok, fine! But did you really have to pick a shirt without sleeves?"

Melissa walked over to her brother, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Just look at what you're wearing, closely." Aaron stared at his reflection and saw what he was wearing: Red sleeveless hoodie, wallet chain jeans, and black leather fingerless gloves. "The gloves makes the outfit look cooler! The sleeveless hoodie? Aphmau will LOVE it! And the chain on the side, I think it's cool."

There was silence between them. Melissa had excitment in her eyes as she was explaining the outfit. "I still look stupid," Aaron said in an impassive tone. Melissa groans. "I'm going to change."

"No you are not!"


"Trust me. Your little girlfriend will LOVE it."

"She's not my girlfriend!" Aaron's face heated up, but it was true, Aphmau wasn't his girlfriend. He never asked. She never asked. They just had sex about 3 times and neither of them asked about being in a relationship with each other.

"Oh, Really? Cause I've been hearing some weird noises coming from your bedroom," She said, emphasizing the two words and pointing a finger at Aaron with a smirk on her face.

"What kind of noises?" Sweat was running down his face. He tried not to break eye contact with her.

"Oh, you know, noises that sounded exactly like a moan."

Aaron crosses his arms, "I-I don't know what you're talking about." He closes his eyes and looks away, hoping that he wasn't blushing. He later opens one eye to see if Melissa was still there. She sadly was. She had her phone out and was scrolling up. She tapped on the screen twice and familiar noises were heard coming from her phone.

They were Aphmau's moans.

"Fuck! Daddy really knows how to fuck!!~"

"Faster daddy!!~ Fuck me good!~"

"How did you get that?" Aaron asked, trying to grab Melissa's phone. "Turn it off!" He yelled, embarrassed. Melissa tapped on her screen, making the noises stop.

"I was still downstairs TRYING to watch my TV show until I started hearing banging against the wall and moaning." Melissa puts her phone away in her back pocket. "I decided to record it for blackmail." Melissa walked to the door and put her hand on the door knob. "Now, I'm going to wait for you in the car so hurry your ass up." She walks out of Aaron's room, closing the door behind her.

"Why did I ask her to take me?"


"So, how do you feel?" Melissa asked. She glanced at Aaron and saw that he was still annoyed for what happened earlier.

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