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I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. His gym uniform made him look hotter. Dammit! If only I could see him without his shirt.

Freshman year...

It's been since Freshman year when I realized my feelings for him.

I actually noticed how cute he was when we were in Middle school. But now? Now he's tall and hot, him being all shy makes it even hotter.

Ever since I developed feelings for him I started becoming really horny. I never really felt like this towards anyone before.

I was making my way to Aaron's house. He came to school today but I wanted to go see him.

I was wearing a purple crop top and some black shorts. I hope he likes it. I want to tease him.

I want to tell him how much I love him or at least show him.

"Can I help you?"

"Hm?" I look up and there was a female with dark brown hair with bleached tips. Is this Aaron's sister? "Is Aaron here?"

She stares at me which was making me really nervous. "Who are you?" She ask with a friendly tone.

"I'm Aphmau. I'm one of Aaron's classmate." She grins and opens her mouth but before she could say anything someone interrupts her.

"Hey, Melissa? Is there something to eat?"

That voice...

"Yeah! There's actually some Dandan noodles right there." She points somewhere. I take a quick peek inside and I see a shirtless Aaron in the kitchen.

I blush.

He turns around and I bite my lower lip as I look at his abs. He spots me and his eyes widen. I wave at him but he runs upstairs.

There was lots of noises.

Melissa turns to face me. "He's probably just cleaning his room." She sounded pretty annoyed.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

Then we hear running, she turns around as I take a peek inside. It was Aaron! But sadly he had a shirt on.

"H-hi!" He stutters, face red. Melissa rolls her eyes and walks away.

"Hey." I giggle. He scratches his head, feeling uneasy.

"So! What are y-you doing h-here? Not that I mind or a-anything! Just... curious?" He questions the word as if it was the right or wrong word to choose.

"I just came here to help you with your homework from yesterday. You left early so I thought that maybe I could come and help you." I lie.

He blushes lightly. "Oh! Th-thanks! That's very nice of you."

I smile.

"Should we go to your room?"


Aaron is right beside me. How can I stay focus when a hot guy is sitting right next to me?

Don't. Look.

He's distracted. It's only a small peek. He's not going to see.

I bite my lip as my eyes make their way to look at it. I sneak my hand in my shorts and slowly rub my part.

Fuck!~ This feels so damn good! But it'll feel way better when Aaron sticks it inside me!~

"I'm done." I quickly remove my hand and look over at Aaron's paper.

Perfect! He's done. This is a great chance.

"Hey, Aaron?" We look at each other. I bite the inside of my cheek. "Can I..." I pause. "Touch your hair?" Dammit!

He stares at me for a minute then nods. I get up and I start to run my fingers through his hair. I look down at him. His eyes were focused on my chest. We were both a blushing mess.

I stop. I sit back down on the chair. I look at him with confidence while he looks at me confused.

I lean in.

"Remember when I kissed your neck?" He immediately blushes and looks away. I guess that's a yes.

I start feeling wet.

"I know you like me." His eyes widen. He turns his head to look at me. His mouth opened but nothing came out.

"You know," my cheeks start to warm up. "You can kiss my neck." I offered, hoping to get a yes.

He shakes his head. "I-I don't know how to!" He sounded embarrassed but I could tell that he wanted to do it.

I shrug, "Doesn't matter. But if you don't want to, then it's ok. I'm not-"

"No! I want to do it!" He shouts. He covers his face with his hands, feeling extremely embarrassed.

I get up and I gently remove his hands from his face. He avoids eye contact. I make my way to his neck and lick it. He flinched as soon as my tongue touched his skin.

I start kissing it. I stop and sat down on his lap. He looks at me with a bit of nervousness. I wrap my arms around his neck.

He stares at my neck for a minute and then makes his way to give it some love.

My hands goes down to rest on his shoulders. I felt his breath on my neck and then I felt something wet touch it.

He starts pecking it. I smile, I felt one of his hand resting on my leg and the other on my back. His hands felt nice. I felt him sneaking his hand inside my shirt, wanting to unclip my bra.

Don't moan.

Don't moan.

Don't moan.

As much as I tried not to make any sounds, imagining Aaron inside of me going in and out, I accidentally let out a small and quiet moan.

Along with something I shouldn't have said.


Aaron immediately stops and pulls away to look at me surprised. I blush of embarrassment, I try to think of an excuse.

"I..." I freeze up. Why am I so embarrassed? Luckily my phone started ringing.

It was my mom.

I quickly pick it up and press 'accept'. "Hello?"

"Aphmau, could you come home? Me and your father-"

"Sure! I'll be home in 17 minutes. Love you." I hang up and turn to Aaron. "I gotta go home, sorry."

"It's ok." I force a smile.

"See you at school?" He nods and I quickly walk out of his room. As soon as I made it out the front door. My face immediately goes red.

"What the hell? Why did I say that? I'm so fucking stupid." I stressed but I quickly calmed down.

I touch my neck and smile.

I can't wait for more.

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