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Aphmau walked into class 17 minutes late. She saw the entire class looking at her and the teacher with her arms crossed. "Miss Shalashaska, you're late."

"Sorry." She muttered. The teacher gestured her to sit down. 'Fucking bitch.' She would have love to say that to her teacher.

"Ok, so I have assigned a project." Everyone starts groaning but the teacher continues. "And I have decided that it will be due in 2 months! So, I don't want to hear any excuses!" She glared at a few students. She even hears a student saying, "I was already planning on it."

"Is it a group project?" A girl asked, raising her hand.

"No." The teacher answered. "Although, I was planning to assign partners but I decided to be nice and let y'all pick."

'Shit! Not this again!' Aaron thought as he laid his head on his desk.

Aphmau looked around and saw that everyone already had partners. "Aph!" A blue hair girl called out. "Come work with us!" She gestured for her to come over.

"Yeah! Come on!" The pink meif'wa said. Aphmau was about to walk over to them but spots someone.

"Sorry girls." Her two friends looked at each other confused. "Someone doesn't have a partner." They both watch as she walks over to an unfamiliar guy.

"Hey, Aaron." Aaron looked up and saw his crush standing in front of him with his desk in between them. "You don't seem to have a partner and I was wondering if we could be partners since I don't have one either."

Aaron slowly nods without thinking.

'Maybe I don't have such bad luck after all. Oh who am I kidding? This is bad! And good! I have Aphmau, my crush, as my partner but I won't be able to focus.'

'But... I can at least try... right?

"How about we do it at your house?" Aaron nodded. "Great!" Aphmau pulled out a chair and put it beside Aaron. She smiled at him before sitting down.


Have you ever laid down on your bed and thought about what happened today? Well, Aaron has, although he hasn't moved from his position for 2 hours.

He's been staring at his ceiling for 2 hours straight, ever since he came home from school.

"You don't seem to have a partner and I was wondering if we could be partners since I don't have one either."

"Why does she want to be my partner?" Aaron sat up and held his head in his hands. "I can't face her and be in the same room as her alone!" Aaron blushed as the memory of him kissing her neck came by.

The doorbell rang downstairs.

'Oh no..'

"Aaron!" Melissa yelled. "Aphmau is here!" He heard the footsteps approaching. Panic increased as the sound got closer.

"Aaron?-" The door swung open. Aaron stood there with his hand on the door knob and his face beginning to turn scarlet as he looked at what Aphmau was wearing.

 Aaron stood there with his hand on the door knob and his face beginning to turn scarlet as he looked at what Aphmau was wearing

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'This is way worse than I thought.'

"Aaron? Are you ok?"

'She's talking to me... OH SHIT! She's talking to me!'

"Yeah! S-sorry! Come on in." Aaron moved out of the way, watching Aphmau entering his room.

"I bought the supplies."

"You didn't h-have to."

"I know."

"Well... t-thanks."

"No problem, cutie. Now let's get started!"


As Aphmau and Aaron were working on their project, Aphmau has been looking down at him. She couldn't stop biting her lip and thinking about him fucking her.

She was getting a bit impatient and wanted him already. She needed to feel him.

"Aaron," he looked over at her and noticed her small blush. "Can I ask you a personal question?" She said, feeling all confident.

Aaron nodded and Aphmau bit her lip. They stared at each other for what felt like forever. You could hear the clock ticking. Aaron looked away, he couldn't look at her without blushing.

He heard Aphmau taking a deep breath before saying, "Have you ever had someone touch your dick?"

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