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After Michi had stormed off, I make my way over to Aaron. He blushes as soon as I sit down in front of him. I spread my arms wide open for him. "Come here." He stares at me for a few seconds before laying his head on my chest. "There, there," I pat his head. "She didn't do anything to you, did she?"


"Are you sure?"

"Well, my arm hurts a little after she kicked me from behind." Before I could say anything, he continues, "But it doesn't hurt that much anymore! So.. you don't have to worry... about me.." he trails off. Then after a minute, I heard crying. I quickly pull Aaron away from me to see him crying his eyes out.

"Aaron! What's wrong?"

"I hate myself!"


"I'm tired of being made fun of! Michi is right. I can't stand up for myself. I'm weak. I suck at everything."

"That's not true," I tell him. "Everything she said is a lie. The reason you believe everything people say bad about you is probably because you're scared and might be a bit insecure." Aaron looks at me then looks away. "Besides, you know how to fuck me~" I sang, teasing him a bit. He puts his head back on my chest and hugs me.

"I... love you... Aphmau."

"I love you too, Aaron." I ruffled his hair and told him, "You wanna go to the mall with me after school." Aaron looked up at me, tears still in his eyes but a small smile on his adorable, handsome face. "I'll take that as a yes."


The couple arrived at the mall, holding hands. Aaron had his arm over his face, trying to hide his blush while Aphmau giggled at him. They walked around, store to store, spending money, laughing, enjoying each other's company.

Aaron wasn't paying any attention to where he and Aphmau were going, that was until Aphmau stopped in front of a store. Aaron noticed and looked at her confused. Aphmau gave him a small smirk. He looked in front of him and his whole body immediately turned red.

"W-what are we d-doing here?" He stuttered as his eyes were glued to the store.

"Don't worry, babe." Aphmau assured him. "We'll just look around and leave." Aaron didn't know whether she was lying or not but he does know that she's teasing him by going into Victoria's Secret.

As they entered the store, Aaron tried not to look at anything and imagine Aphmau wearing it but it was obviously hard. He let go of his girlfriend's hand and instead he wrapped his arms around her waist and closed his eyes, the huge blush still being visible.

After a few couple of minutes, Aphmau spoke up, "Hey, Aaron. Look at this." Aaron opened his eyes and it took less than a second for his nose to start bleeding.


"Are you feeling better now?" Aphmau asked him as she held the tissue up to his nose. Aaron nodded while holding a pink stuffed bunny. "Too much?" Aaron nodded again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill you from all the lingerie."

"I-it's fine. It's kinda of my fault for not controlling myself." Aaron looks down and sees his boner. He blushes of embarrassment. "Not gonna lie, it was kinda funny.. except the nose bleed." Aaron pouted at his girlfriend as he made puppy eyes. Aphmau rolled her eyes playfully, letting out a sigh. She threw the tissue away in the trash now that the bleeding has stopped.

They were in a family restroom. Aaron played with his pink stuffed bunny's ears like a little kid while Aphmau pulled her hair in a ponytail. She kneeled down, her face in front of his boner. She unbuckled his belt, then his pants, slowly pulled the zipper down, and then pulled both his pants and boxers all the way down to the floor. She got on all fours and closed her eyes.

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