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I could feel my cheeks burning as Aphmau walked in class. She sat in front of me, four seats away from me. I kept glancing at her. I almost got caught.

But I always wonder...

Will she ever notice me?

I mean... she's popular, rich, and hot.

She's got everything! Except a boyfriend. But she's probably going to find one soon.


Is she looking at me? Wait no! She's probably looking at someone else. But no one is behind me... or beside me...

She's talking to her blue hair friend. Are they making fun of me? Why is her friend laughing?

God fucking dammit! Did she wink at me? Why can't I take my eyes off her? Oh my Irene- she bit her lip! My heart is about to explode!


As I was walking to class, I remembered what class I had next and who was in that class.

Art... just great. Can't wait to see-

"Hey!" I stop in my tracks and slowly turn around. And there he was. Mr. Who thinks he's so cool but he's a jackass.

"Hey..." I mumble. He sticks out his hand and says, "Money." I roll my eyes and start slowly walking away. "We're not in elementary anymore." I remind him. "Jackass." I mumble but turns out he heard me.

He grabs my collar. "What the hell did you say?" He growls. Fuck this, why did I say that? I'm such a imbecile.

"I said that we're not in elementary anymore, and you should know that. What are you? 7?" I might die, but who cares?

"Who gave you the right to talk back to me?"

"Freedom of speech."

He raises his fist and aims for my face but was stopped by someone shouting his name.

He looks behind him and quickly drops me to the ground.


"Don't 'babe' me! And I'm not even your girlfriend anymore so stop calling me that." That voice. Please don't tell me it's-

"Come on, Aphmau!" Garroth exclaims. "You still love me, you just don't want to admit it." Aphmau crosses her arms and starts arguing with Garroth.

This was a chance to escape. I get up and I quietly try to make my way to class but was stopped.

"Where do you think you're going?" Garroth asks. I sigh and look at him. I tried to open my mouth and say something but I couldn't. Aphmau was standing there. No words came out. So I just froze.

I watch as Aphmau walks up to Garroth and points a finger at him. "It's best if you leave him alone." She's defending me.

I watch as they continue arguing. Garroth tried to put his hands on her waist. This was hard to watch. But luckily Aphmau pushed him away.

How did they end up together?

Well, it happened in 8th grade. It's been 6 months since school started. Garroth had been crushing on Aphmau since middle school, 7th grade. His friends encouraged him to ask her out, surprised that he even has friends, she wasn't dating anyone at that time so it was perfect for Garroth.

Sadly, it turns out that Aphmau also had a crush on him. So when Garroth asked her out, she said yes... immediately.

It broke my heart...

But now she regrets everything. I'm just glad that she broke up with him. He only liked her for her looks and popularity. Most guys are pretty shallow.

"Just go." Aphmau said coldly, not looking at Garroth in the eyes. Garroth walks away leaving me and Aphmau alone.

There was awkward silence between us. I gulp. I started sweating everywhere. I didn't know what to say or do.

"Are you ok?" Aphmau breaks the silence, walking towards me. My body tensed up. Please don't come any closer.

Her soft hand cupped my cheek. I couldn't help but look down at her lips. My face burned up.

"Are you ok?" She asks again. This time I slowly nod. She gets closer to my face, a cute smile appeared on her face.

"You should head to class, you don't wanna be late." She backs away and starts walking away.

What just happened?

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