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"Good morning, darling."

[Morning.. ]
[What do you want?]
[Leave me alone.]

"Morning.. "

"I made you breakfast."

[I'm not hungry.]

Something felt off. Something was missing. But he wasn't sure what it was. "Aphmau..." He moaned as he rubbed his area while staring at the 'Aphmau' anime character that he created in the game.

If you don't mind, I'll love to take a shower with you.

[That would be nice.]
[I do mind.]

Aaron quickly sat up. "Hell yes! More naked Aphmau scenes!" He yelled. It didn't take long for the scene to pop up. Every time Aaron plays this game, it always made him horny. Although, Aphmau still doesn't know about this, yet.

The thought of him and Aphmau showering together made his dick twitch. His hands on her breast, giving it a nice squeeze. He can already hear her moans. "Ohh~ Aaron~" Her ass pressed against his area. "Aahh~" That amazing feeling he gets when he has his hand rubbing her flower. "O-oh my!" Aaron starts rubbing faster, he just couldn't stop. Aphmau. She was the only one that's in Aaron's mind right now. Although, his thoughts came to a stop when he heard the notification sound. He looked at his phone.

[💕 Boobies 💕] Hey, can I come over?

Aaron clicked on the message and started typing.

💕 Boobies 💕
Hey, can I come over?


💕 Boobies 💕
Alright, see you in 38 minutes 😘

He returned to his game. Something still felt weird. Aaron looked up from his phone and stared over at his bookbag sitting on his chair. He was about to get up but heard a slight moan coming from his phone. He looked down and saw the character's face change. This scene was very extreme. A huge smile spread across Aaron's face. He quickly layed down, forgetting what he was about to do a few seconds ago.


Aphmau sat down beside Aaron on his bed. "So, what is it?" He asked. Aphmau kissed his cheek before taking out a red notebook from her purse. Aaron thought that she was just returning his notebook.

"I don't want you to freak out, okay?" Aaron now had a confused look on his face. What did she mean? "As soon as I got in my room, I sat down at my desk and opened your notebook. It took a few sentences to realize that this notebook isn't your notes."

"What... do you mean?"

"Aaron, I think you gave me your diary."

"What!" Aaron snatched the notebook from her hands. His face flushed with embarrassment. How the hell did he not notice? "How much did you read?"

"I just read a few sentences on the first page and then looked through all the pages but don't worry, I didn't read anything else."

"Oh thank Irene."

"But I did read about how much you admire my boobs so much." Aphmau grabbed her breast and started playing with them, to tease Aaron.

Aaron gripped his notebook as he bit his bottom lip. He wanted to jump on her, pin her down, and kiss her, but something was stopping him.

"Aaron?" He quickly snapped out of his thoughts. "Are you okay?" Her small hands gently cupped his face, she knew something was starting to feel off about him. He didn't look happy anymore. "Aar—"

"I'm fine!" He forced a smile, but Aphmau wasn't going to fall for that. She pushed him onto the bed and got on top of him. "Tell me what's wrong," she demanded. "I need to know what's bothering you. Do you not love me anymore? Or.. " Her face got serious and so did her tone. "Is it something Garroth told you?" Aaron couldn't hold it in any longer. Tears started streaming down his face.

"What did he tell you?"

"..I don't wanna say.."

There was a moment of silence between them.

"He told you that I was using you as practice, didn't he?" Aaron didn't want to respond to that. He tried to keep his tears in but failed.

"How do I know that you're not using me?"

"Aaron, I promise that I'm not using you as practice. I love you and your cute behavior."

"What do you even like about me?"

"I love how you act like a little kid, I find it really adorable. Especially when you like calling ducks, duckies." She laughs while blushing. "The way you say it, it's just way too cute."

Aaron blushes, "How did you find that out?"

"Melissa told me, she even showed me a video of you saying it." Aphmau laughed even harder. "You're just too cute!" Aaron stared at her as she couldn't stop laughing. A smile slowly crept on his face.

⋇⋆ 2 Days Later ⋆⋇

The couple held hands as they walked through the park. Aaron was happily licking his birthday cake-flavored ice cream while Aphmau was on her phone, texting someone. Aaron couldn't help but glance.

Was she cheating on him? He knows that he shouldn't jump to conclusions but they were on a date and seeing his girlfriend texting someone while on a date, made him jealous and scared.

All he could see was the person's contact name, 'Demon' and a few messages with her saying, "I'm with my boyfriend rn" And the other person texting back, "You're boyfriend?", "Yeah right! 💀", "You're probably lying!"

Negative thoughts ran through Aaron's mind. 'Is she seeing someone else? Is she going to leave me? Does she not love me anymore?' As they continued to bring Aaron's mood down, he then remembers Garroth's words.

"She's probably just using you as practice."

"Hey!" Aaron looked up at his girlfriend. "Why did you stop?" She asked him. He didn't realize that he got lost in his thoughts. Lost in his negative thoughts.

"Who are you texting?" He stood up straight as he blurted out his question. Aphmau only stood there, staring at him. The only response he got was, "No one important." And it was said with a smile.

That smile looked so genuine. It looked like she had nothing to hide from him.

"What are you waiting for? Come on!" She gently pulled Aaron towards her. Aaron stared down at her. He watched as she put her phone away in her back pocket. Can he trust her?

The couple was about to continue their walk until they heard a familiar voice that they haven't heard since middle school.


When Aaron turned around, his eyes widen in fear. He just couldn't believe it. Things are probably going to get worst now that she's here.


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