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Ever since that day that Aaron fucked me so damn good, I'll never forget that. I'll love to do it again, hopefully today after school.

He also seemed to like it when I did it to him. He likes it when I touch him, especially down there. Who knew such a sweet and shy looking guy could be so aggressive? I never knew he had a side like that. Confident sure is sexy. All of this thinking is making me horny.

"So you never had sex?" Katelyn asked me. She's been asking me so many questions for the past 14 minutes.

"I already told you so many times, Kate. I'm NOT, and never will, have sex. Not after what that bastard tried to do to me in 8th grade!" I growled.

"I'm actually pretty surprised." I look at Kawaii-chan. "You dated so many people and you never once had sex with any of them."

I put my head in my hands as the awful memories rushed back to me. I want to forget all about that.

"Aphmau the virgin." Katelyn teased.

I pick my head up and glare at her, "Oh shut up! Like you lost your virginity."

"I actually did." She smirked, leaning forward on the table. My eyes widen in surprise, and Kawaii-chan, well she just continued eating. "I might have accidentally hooked up with some white haired guy. But I gotta admit, he's pretty cute."

"Accidentally?" Kawaii-chan questioned.

"Yeah. After me and Jeffrey broke up, I wanted to make him jealous by hanging out with a guy. We been hanging out for about 4 months and when we went to that party last month," she paused and blushed. "We got drunk and fucked each other."

"Wow! That sounds like such a lovely love story," I say with sarcasm. Katelyn rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Anyways, why were y'all asking me such weird questions?"

Katelyn and Kawaii-chan look at each then back at me.

"There was this rumor going around that you and some guy have been having sex." Katelyn started. My heart started running. My eyes widen in shock and fear. Who started that rumor? And how the hell did they find out?

I quickly come up with something to say, "And y'all believe that?" I scoff. "Like I said earlier, I'm not, and NEVER will have sex! I'm not stupid enough to lose my virginity to some idiot." Aaron isn't an idiot like most guys here, just to make that clear. And by idiot, I mean irresponsible.

Kawaii-chan points at my neck and asks, "Then what's that on your neck?" I quickly cover it up with my hair and start blushing.

"It's nothing..." I mutter, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Oh really? Then why does it look-"

"Hair!" I blurt out. They look at me confused and I quickly say, "I was curling my hair and I-I-I accidentally burned my head-neck! I accidentally b-burned neck... m-my neck." I clear my throat and decide to quickly change the topic, "So what were y'all going to tell me? About Garroth, was it?"

"Yeah. Anyways," Katelyn rubbed it off and continued, "So there is this rumor that Garroth got a girl pregnant."

"Of course..."

"Yeah... and he refuses to help the girl raise the child."

"That idiot!" I bang my fist on the table. "Why the hell would he get her pregnant if he isn't going to take care of it? It's his! He helped make it, whether it was an accident or not."

Kawaii-chan joined in, "Garroth even told her that she should give it up but she refused."

"I feel bad," I mumble. "But hey! Garroth's dick is probably way faker than the guys here at school," 'Except Aaron~' I accidentally snort when I say, "or him himself." The girls start laughing but they can agree with me.

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