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A small yawn was heard from under the blanket, making Aphmau giggle. A few seconds later, his head poked out from under the blanket. He looked around and saw Aphmau's hand on top of Alexander's head, he was lying beside her as he was playing with his tennis ball while Aphmau was petting him. Aphmau moved her phone away from her face and saw Aaron making puppy eyes at her, with a lot of jealousy in them. "Are you jealous?" She asked, laughing a little. Aaron got embarrassed and pulled the blankets over his head as if slowly returning into the darkness.

Aphmau felt her boyfriend's head resting on her lap. She stopped petting Alexander and smiled at Aaron. "Really? Come on, Aaron. Don't be jealous. You know I love you," she cooed.

No response from Aaron.

"Oh come on!" She lifted the blanket up, only to see her boyfriend looking the other way, trying to hide his jealously. "You're really jealous of your own dog?"

Again, no response.

"Okay, fine. I'll just continue giving Alexander my attention." She heard a low growl. She gently picked up Alexander and started talking in a baby voice to him. "Who's a good boy?" Alexander barked happily, his tail wagging and his tongue hanging out. "Yes! It's you! You're a good boy!" Aaron looked up, seeing that his own dog was getting the attention and love from Aphmau.

Then he saw her giving Alexander a kiss, and in return, the dog started licking her face as she laughed.

"You're cheating on me..." Aaron muttered. Aphmau held the dog in her arms like a baby. "You didn't wanna to talk to me." Aaron whimpered, her heart breaking as guilt swallowed her. She sat Alexander down on the bed and hugged her sad boyfriend. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you sad!" She pecked his lips multiple times. "Please don't whimper like that! You know it hurts hearing that!"

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay. What can I do to make it up to you?"

Aaron stared at Aphmau with the cute smile on his face. He blushed and replied, "Boobs." He looked at her chest and blushed more. "I want to play with them."


Aaron nodded. "If we can't have sex right now, maybe I can just play with your watermelons!"

"Watermelons?" Aphmau laughed. "Alright. Anything for my boyfriend."


"But what about Alexander?" They both looked at the white husky, playing with his tennis ball. "I'll take him out," Aaron said as he grabbed his dog. He opened the door and placed Alexander down. "Go with Melissa." Alexander started barking as he ran downstairs. After running off, Aaron closed the door and walked back to Aphmau.

"You really enjoy touching them?" Aphmau asked. Aaron nodded with a cute smile on his face. He looked down at her breast, his tail wagging behind him, he puts his hands on her breast and starts blushing.

"After I play with them, can I suck them?" Aphmau nodded, making Aaron's smile grow. "And can you... jump?" Aaron shyly asked. "I wanna see them bounce... i-if that's okay w-with you!"

Aphmau placed her hand on top of his head and chuckled, "Of course I'm okay with it! These beauties are only for you," she told him as she boops his nose.


Aaron has been smiling like an idiot the whole day. Not only has it been almost 2 weeks of dating Aphmau, but he has been in such a good mood lately. He was excited for their date this Saturday. Now that Aphmau's legs started feeling much better.

They were texting during lunch, sending each other dirty texts, mostly Aphmau (obviously). He played along until Aphmau started talking about sending nudes to him, only if he wanted to but of course he said yes. That was until out of nowhere, Aphmau told him about going out on a date this Saturday which got Aaron very excited.

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