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"Have you ever had someone touch your dick?"


'Why would she ask something like that?'

Aaron stares at Aphmau with wide eyes. He looks down at himself and blushes.

"N-no." He says shyly. He sees Aphmau's hand on his leg which made him feel himself growing.

"Ever had sex?"


"Do you like me?"


"Do you dream about us together in bed?"


"Do you want me to suck you?"

No response.

"Do you want to fuck me?"

No response.


"Yes!" Aaron covers his face. "I didn't mean to blurt that out!" A blush appears on Aphmau's face, along with an idea.

Aaron thought that Aphmau was just joking around. Pranking him with these questions.

Not focusing on Aphmau, he let's a moan. He looks down and sees Aphmau on all fours, sucking his dick.

"Aph?~" He moan. "What-shit! What are you doing?~" He couldn't stand at how good she was making him feel. It felt amazing that he didn't want this to end.

His moans were music to her ears. She wanted to hear him moan out her name and no one else. She choked as she was purposely trying to put his whole dick in her mouth.

She pulls away and says, "You're seriously way too big." The blush on Aaron's face made her smirk. "Come on, daddy." She gets up and kisses him before going over to his bed to lay down.

Aaron was frozen in place, processing what just happened. "Daddy~" he heard her whine. "I'm ready for you~" He looked over at her and saw her wiggling her ass in the air. Her boots were on the floor with her purse on top of it.

Before Aphmau could lay down on her back, she feels familiar hands on her hips. Not giving her enough time to look, she feels her skirt being removed and hands on her ass.

She blush lightly as Aaron explored her body, touching her thighs, ass, waist, etc. She wanted Aaron to be the dominant one. She wanted to moan out his name in front of him.

"Lay on your back." He ordered, his voice sounding soft but demanding.

As if she was being controlled, she did what he told her to do. She started feeling small when Aaron got on top of her. He kissed her while his hands were rubbing her waist.

It was very enjoyable between the two. They both were enjoyed each other's moans. Aphmau kept moaning, she wasn't expecting it to feel this damn good.

Aaron pulled away and stared at her shirt. He took it off and smiled as he stared at her breast. She was wearing a red laced bra, his favorite color.

'Should I really do this?'

Aphmau's perfect body made Aaron nervous. Was she enjoying it? He wanted her to feel amazing.

'She probably done this with her past partners. I want to make her feel way better than anyone that she probably done it with.'

Without giving it another thought, he unclipped her bra and went in to suck her nipples. She moaned, her hands gripped his hair. His tongue making her want it somewhere else.

"Aaron~" she felt herself getting wet. "Your tongue~ I want it inside me~" Aaron was way too caught up with sucking her nipple that he didn't realize that his other hand was massaging her other breast.


"In a bit, baby." His voice was deeper, Aphmau blushed at the nickname. Aaron probably didn't realize what he called her.

He gave the same affection to her other melon. Aphmau started thinking that Aaron was probably just teasing her. She looked over at his desk and saw his pants and boxers on the floor. She blushed, feeling his dick on her leg. He started humping her leg as he still sucked.

Aaron finally pulled away and smirked at his crush. He took his shirt off, throwing it to the side. He was now naked, Aphmau couldn't help but stare at his abs. It was a 6 pack. She bit her lip and looked at his face.

"You're wet." He says. With one hand he pulled her panties down. Aphmau opened her legs for him to position his face in front of her pussy and stuck his tongue in. He licked up and down as Aphmau moaned loudly.

"Daddy has talent~" she gripped his hair, pushing it towards her so that his face can get all covered up by her juice. "Shit! You seriously know how to work your tongue!~"

Aaron gripped her thighs and smiled at the compliments his crush was giving him. He continued sticking his tongue farther in and swirling it around until she started moaning louder and louder. Aphmau didn't have time to warn him when her white cum went all over him.

"Sorry." She apologized but Aaron just smirked at her, watching him swallow her juice.

"You taste delicious."

"Thank you, daddy."

He spread her legs wider before getting back on top of her. He looked at his dick, positioning it in front of her pussy.

"Let's see how you'll enjoy this." He winked at her. Aphmau blushed, she put her hands on his shoulders, getting prepared for his dick to enter.

"Wait! A condom." She pointed out. Aaron looked at her as she pointed at her purse. "There's one in my purse."

A sad sigh was let out. Aaron got up and walked over to her purse, opening it and seeing three different sized condoms. He looked at his dick and grabbed the bigger one.

He ripped it open and Aphmau watched him put it on. He went back over to her and got in the same position as before.



Not having second thoughts, he pushed himself in her and Aphmau screamed out in pain. Aaron waited for her to get used to his size. After 3 minutes, she nodded at him to move. He started off with a slow pace. Moans filled the room. The faster Aaron went, the more louder their moans became.

"Fuck!~ Daddy really knows how to fuck!!~"

"And you know how to suck a dick!~"

The bed started creaking along with skin slapping filling the room.

"Faster daddy!!~ Fuck me good!~"

Aaron started banging into her aggressively. Aphmau started getting tired and sore but she didn't want this to end.

"Daddy~ I'm c-coming~" Aaron gave a few more harder thrusts before pulling out. They both came, Aaron collapsed on top of Aphmau, both panting.

"I'm so tired." Aaron panted. Aphmau ruffled his hair and smiled, "Me too."

Aaron smashed his lips against hers. His tongue swirled around, Aphmau blushed at his behavior and kissed back.

"Let's go to sleep." He placed a kiss on her forehead and laid on his side beside her. Aphmau snuggled up against him, he wraps his arms around her, bringing her closer.

"Night, Aphie."

"Night, daddy."

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