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"Aaron~" Aphmau whispered. "Aaron~ Come on, you gotta wake up." Aaron groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He blushed. "Wifey?" There was a small giggle. Aaron cuddled up to his "wife" and smiled. "I love you."

"Aaron, I love you too but you have to get up." She runs her hands through his hair and then plants a kiss on his head.

"No! I want to stay in bed like this!"

"Aren't you hungry?"


"Do you want some pancakes?" There was no response. "I'll take that as a yes." Aphmau tries to get up but Aaron pulls her back in bed and wraps his arms around her. She sighs and looks at her boyfriend. "Aaron. Can you please let go of me?"

"No! It feels empty and cold without you in my arms. Please don't go!" He hugs her even tighter as if his life depended on it.

"Ok. How about we both go to the kitchen?"

"I don't wanna walk!"

This was the first time Aphmau heard her boyfriend whine. (I think? I don't remember but who cares.) It was adorable. She just wanted to grab his head and rub her breast against his face. I mean, he does enjoy doing that. It's one of his favorite things to do. He even pretends to be sad just so he can lay his head on her breast or put his face in between them.

"Then, I'll carry you. I may be short and look weak but I do work out so I should be able to carry you."

"... Fine."


The smell of pancakes made Aaron drool. He was waiting for his girlfriend on the couch, where she left him with a fluffy light gray blanket over him.

"I'm coming." As the smell got stronger, Aaron quickly sat up with his tail wagging and his tongue hanging out. "I thought you said that you weren't hungry?" Aphmau placed a glass cup of milk on the coffee table and sat down on the couch with Aaron's plate of pancakes.

After finishing his breakfast, he layed back down with his head on Aphmau's lap and his eyes closed. "Your legs feel nice," He said.

She laughed, "Thank you."

Aaron opened his eyes, blushing at how he could barely see her face because of her breast. He felt the urge to rub his face in them, or even squeeze them.

"Your boobs look nice from here."


A white light was flashed on them for a few seconds. "Dammit! I had flash on!" Aaron sat up and saw his older sister standing behind the couch with her phone. "Well, at least I was recording, that's good."


"Oh, hey little bro!"

"Wha-what?... What are you doing here?"

"We came downstairs to eat. What? You think that we were going to let you and your girlfriend be alone and make out on the couch. Or, get it dirty if you know what I mean." Melissa waved her phone in front of his face and laughed. "But also because dad came running downstairs, almost tripping, to the smell of pancakes. You know how much he enjoys those."

"Wait what?!" Aaron looked over at the kitchen and his eyes widen, not only was his dad there stuffing his face in the pancakes but his mom was also there. "How much did you hear?" He looked at his sister, the smirk on her face was enough to know the answer to his question. 'How did I not hear them?'

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