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Give me a call when you wake up to know that you're still alive ♡


"I would love to hear her voice.." I blush as I hold up the small piece of paper in the air. I let out a sigh, grabbing my phone from my nightstand. "But what if she's asleep? I don't want to wake her up!"


[Aphmau💜] Hey, you awake?

My heart began racing. It's not the first time she texted me so I don't understand why my heart still races. Everything she does just makes me fall more deeply in love with her.

Before I could reply, she calls me. I quickly sit up and start freaking out. I just woke up 10 minutes ago and I look like a mess, I don't want her to see me like this. My phone continues ringing as I try to fix my hair. "Fuck it!" I curse, leaving my hair alone, hoping it doesn't look so bad. My finger automatically clicks on the green button. A huge blush spreads across my face when I see Aphmau laying down on her bed, looking a little tired but still really beautiful.

"Morning, my little pup~" She sings in a very tired, morning voice. Her arm resting on her forehead, she looked really tired but also looked really happy to see me.

"M-morning, Aph!"

"How is my daddy doing?" She teased. I blush and laugh nervously.

"I'm doing amazing now that I'm talking to you!" I see her laugh which made me get a little embarrassed. Did I sound stupid?

"I'm glad you're feeling much better."

I feel a huge smile forming on my face. I honestly love when she asks me how I feel, it makes my heart so happy!

We continue talking a bit more until I accidentally think out loud, "Is she wearing a towel?" She looked at me, and I realized what I said. "S-sorry! I didn't m-mean to say that—"

"It's alright, Aaron!" She laughs. "And yes. I am wearing a towel. I was going to go shower but I wanted to check up on you first. You wanna see?" Her question sounded very flirtatious but I wasn't going to say no. "Yes please!" Aphmau then grabs the corner of her towel, exposing herself. I felt my ears and tail pop out. I couldn't help but wag my tail. "Oh! How I wish daddy was here to touch them!" She moaned as she played with her breasts.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw my screen go white for a split second. I didn't know what happened but when I saw what I did, my eyes widen. I accidentally took a screenshot of Aphmau.. without anything covering her.

"Aaron? Did you just.. take a screenshot?" She asked me. I threw my phone on the bed and quickly grabbed a pillow, burying my face into it.


"Aw, Aaron, baby it's okay. Don't apologize."

Baby? I kinda like that...

"No! I-I'll delete it r-real quick!"

"You don't have to." I look over at my phone. I grab it and quickly turned the camera off. "Aw, why did you turn your camera off?"

"I'm embarrassed.."

"But I want to see your adorable face."

"I'm not adorable.."

"You're right." I stare at my screen, feeling a bit sad now. "You're fucking hot as hell!" I see her biting her lip. My tail wagged at that but also because she called me hot. I mean, she's pretty hot as well.

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