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Aphmau places the small package on her desk. She grabs the scissors from her pen holder and cuts the tape. She puts the scissors back in its place and then opens the box. Inside was a handmade Aaron doll with a note taped to his body. "It's from his mom." Aphmau tells the girls.

"Really? What did she send you?" Katelyn asks. Aphmau takes the doll out of the cardboard box and helds him in front of her camera. "A doll of your boyfriend? And a note that says she made a doll of you for her son."

"Don't read the note!"

KC looks up at her phone and sees the doll. "Oh my Irene, that's just the cutest thing ever!" She squeals, dropping her pencil on her desk. "Aphmau, do you think that Aaron's mom can make me a Zane doll?"


"Please Aphmau! I'm begging you! I really want a Zane doll!"

"You two aren't even dating." Katelyn comments. "And besides, he's going to get creeped out when he sees that you have a doll of him."

KC frowns. "You're right."

"Wait, you still haven't confessed your feelings to him?" Aphmau asks. KC shakes her head and starts crying. "Wait, why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" KC shakes her head again. She wipes away her tears and holds up a piece of paper. Aphmau and Katelyn reads it and quickly realizes that it's a love letter.

"I've been leaving him love letters but he keeps throwing them away." She starts crying again.

"KC, you know how popular he is. He gets love letters all the time. Ever since last year, when Aphmau threw that volleyball at him and his voice changed, he became popular. He was probably more popular than his brother, Garroth." Aphmau nodded her head, agreeing with Katelyn. "I suggest that you give him the letter, IN person."

"What?! No! I can't!"

"It's worth a try, KC." Aphmau tried to persuade her but KC refuses to listen.

Katelyn groans, "Just give it up, Aph. She's not going to listen."


"Anyways, are you going to work tomorrow?" Katelyn asks, changing the topic. Aphmau nods. "Have you told your boyfriend about your work?" The way her blue haired friend said it... It made Aphmau regret telling them about what happened two days ago between Aaron and her. "I bet he'll get so turned on when he sees you that he'll want you to handcuff him to the headboard again." Her body was heating up just by thinking about it. She's too embarrassed to fight back.

Staring at the doll was making it worse. The smile reminded her of how Aaron was enjoying seeing Aphmau in the black leather lingerie while holding a whip in her hands.

"I gotta go!" Aphmau ended the call. She grabbed the doll and stood up, making her way to her bed.

It was 2:04 AM. She spent 7 hours talking to the girls. Not that it was a big deal, but she had work in a few hours!

Kawaii-Chan owned a café. It was a present from her parents for her 15th birthday. The Kawaii Treat Maid Sweet Café, was the name of her place. The cute pink meif'wa offered all her friends a job to work at her café. They all accepted her offer, even Aphmau! Because she wanted to save up for college, even though she has 2 more years of high school but it's never to early to start saving up. Even though her parents are rich, she refuse to ask them for money, she rather earn the money herself.

Although, she hasn't told Aaron about her job. Knowing how Aaron is, she knows how jealous he will be when he finds out that she works at a place where she wears a maid outfit in front of people who isn't him. Just thinking about it, Aphmau can't help but feel bad for hiding such a small secret from her sweet, loving boyfriend. Aaron would enjoy seeing her in the maid outfit.

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