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The girls laughing together, is pretty irritating. I hate Garroth and the other people who make fun of me, but with Jenny, it's different. It's obvious that Jenny still has feelings for Aphmau. That blush was very much visible.

"Uh, Aaron?" I look at Aphmau, my mouth still on the straw of my milkshake. "You're slurping your milkshake." I stare at her, then I turn my head the other way. I didn't even want to apologize to her.

"I don't think he likes me." I hear Jenny say.

'Obviously, you stupid girlfriend stealer.'

There could be a chance that Aphmau might still have feelings for her. Can't blame her, Jenny is pretty attractive which makes me more angry. Aphmau probably thinks that Jenny is more attractive than me. I can't let that happen! I have to be the only attractive person for Aphmau. I can be a way better partner than her. I can be a way better kisser than her. What did her and Aphmau even do? Just kiss? Pathetic. I slept with her and took her virginity. I made her feel good. Aphmau loves me more than you. You can burn in hell! MY girlfriend wouldn't care. I'm sure that she'll be happy. You fucking pansexual bit-

There was a sound of glass shattering.

"Hm?" I look down at the table. There was glass everywhere on the table. Everyone was looking at me, even Jenny and Aphmau. "Oh no."


"I'm so sorry, Jenny!"

"Aph, I told you, it's fine."

Aphmau grabs Jenny's hands and promises her, "I promise I'll make it up to you!" They're touching hands! I don't like it... .

After 2 minutes of them talking, they hug, Jenny just gives me a grin and a wave before going in her car. Even if she did hug me, I wouldn't return it.

"Aaron," My body tensed up. She didn't sound so happy. 'Is this going to be our first fight? Is she going to want to break up with me?' Aphmau starts walking towards me, my heart started beating. 'I'm sure she's going to yell at me.' "You stupid cute dork." She places her hand on my head. "There's nothing to be jealous about."

"Aph... " I could feel a light blush on my cheeks. But I wasn't going to let this slide. "What the hell do you mean?! Did you not see the way she looked at you? Did you not see her blush whenever she looked at you? Did you not see her CHECKING YOU OUT? I saw the way she was staring at your ass. And your boobs! Your boobs, Aphmau! Your. Boobs!"

"A-Aaron, can you please... keep it down-"

"She clearly has a crush on you, Aphmau. And, as your boyfriend, I CANNOT allow that. You're MY girlfriend, not that ugly grandma haired girlfriend stealer."

"Please be nice, Aaron."

"What if she steals you from me? And then you leave me, and then I find out you slept with her, and then years later I find out you have a family with her. No! I can't let that happen!" I grab Aphmau's hands and give it a tight squeeze while I look deep into her eyes. "WE should be the one having a family. You should be carrying MY kids, not hers."

"You're hurting me, Aaron." She squeaks. I quickly let go and apologize. "It's fine. By the way, aren't you overthinking this?"

"I'm 100% POSITIVE!"

"Positive that you're overthinking this?"

My mouth opens, I was about to say something but then I thought of what I said earlier. "Oh.. I guess I am overthinking it," I mumble. "Wait! But that doesn't change the fact that Jenny still has feelings for you!"

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