'Night', Summer

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Peter shook his head as Tony called on him to take his turn.

He froze, shrinking back into the abyss he wished was there.

"It's ok, kid, no ones judging you," Tony smiled sweetly.

Peter nods and starts speaking shakily, not used to talking about himself.

"M- my parents were in... in a plane crash when I was y-young, I went and lived with my aunt M-May. I went on a school trip... it was to a museum, one of the spiders got out and bit me, giving me powers like itself. That's pretty much it, besides coming here,"

"See? Nothing happened, kid. Who's next?"

Peter looks at you and you understand Peters actions from before— the feeling of wanting to shrink into the abyss.

"Summer," he says after staring at you for a few seconds.

You nod and begin.

"My mom left when I was born and gave me to my father. He never found anyone new for himself and had a drinking problem. He wasn't a good dad, he died... however many years ago, just a few before I got shot with the scepter and was brought here. Nothing besides that every really happens, my life was always boring,"

Loki mentally sends you an apology and you accept, having already accepted multiple times.

Everyone around understands completely and makes no comment, which you find relief in.

"Nat, you go,"

"Erm- I was raised as an assassin, in a place called the Red Room. They forced us to dance and become flexible, to fight, to win, and when they thought we were ready, to kill. Without hesitation. I've spent my years with the Avengers after that as the Black Widow," she paused, "Who hasn't gone?" She looks around, counting people.

"Tony, Steve, Peter, you, and I have gone. That leaves Wanda, Loki, Thor, and Scott,"

"Wanda," she searches for eye contact, finding it at the other side of you.

"My life was average as a girl until these powers were forced into me after an accident. A grenade flew in the building and blew up two floors below us, creating a giant hole in the floor. My brother and I hid under a bed and watched as our parents were sucked down. Another grenade landed 10 feet from our faces—" Tony was visibly tense, "— but it didn't go off. Every shift in the bricks, I thought 'this will set it off''  we waited there for two days and some men got us, gave me these powers and my brother, super speed. We've been with the avengers and... lost him, a few years back,"

Everyone looked at her with sorrow— including, surprisingly, Loki.

Time passed as the rest of the stories were told, Thor tearing up a variety of times during his brothers story, whilst Loki smiled at his point of view, chuckling at Thors stupid remarks during the stories of his own. Scott gave his short story about how he was a thief but that was it until he got the suit.

You all thought about what to do next and you reached out for Loki— mentally.


Yes, Summer?

What now?

Why do you always ask me?

Because you're the only one I can mentally connect with.

Why don't you say you think you're done for the night and... hang out... with Nat? He used "hang out" in a tone that meant... oh.

Not a bad idea, what time is it?

Time for you to get a watch. He joked.

Oh, fuck off, you pull your sleeve up to reveal a watch that reads 10:39 pm.

"I'm gonna head to bed, guys,"

Tell Nat to come with me. You said to Loki as you stood.

"Already?" Tony looked at you.

Nat jumped at the sudden intrusion in her mind and you and Loki were the only ones to understand why.

Tony, Steve, and Thor looked at her, but back to you, as did the others as they wave you goodbye and you walk out the door, but not away.

"I think I'm going to head out too," you hear Nat say— the reason you didn't walk away— and wait for her to appear outside the door to continue walking.

"Where to?" You ask.

"My room," she looks at you seductively, grabbing your hand and pulling you along by her side, intertwining your fingers along the way.

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