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You wake up the next morning to Natasha entering the room.

"Still don't have your own room, huh?"

"Guess not. Hopefully soon though."

"You're welcome to stay with me if you like," she says, hotly.

And hell, was she hot.

"Get ready, we're leaving soon,"

"Right," you get up and head to the bathroom finding more clothes already placed there. They were identical to Natashas, tight black suit but yours didn't have the straps and excess stuff.

You change, doing the rest of your morning routine, and head out to Natasha who's waiting in the hall.

"Ooh," she looks you up and down.

"Heh, as if,"

"Let's go," she begins walking, but waits for you.

"Uhm, Summer, tell me more about yourself," she looks away.

"Like what?"


"Ok well, my favorite color is yellow, I love art, music, photography, reading, tv, animals, and girls- erm, games," you correct, "how about you?" You try to change the subject.

"We support that here. Lgbtq, I mean. There are many of us in here."


"You, me, Tony, Stephen, Steve, Bucky, Harley, Peter, theres more too,"

"Wow, that's a lot, I'm bisexual, what are you?"

"Im gay, and they're all in relationships too, Steve & Bucky, Tony & Stephen, Peter & Harley,"

"That's cute,"

"Adorable," she laughs. You both make your way to the field again.

Tell me what makes you angry," she stops.


She doesn't reply.

You sigh. "Uh, well, the fact that I have become an experiment, the person experimenting on me won't even tell me what's going on, let alone what I've become, nor giving me the information that I can cause disaster," your voice becomes louder, "maybe I'll destroy him! MAYBE ILL DESTROY HIS HOME, WHAT HE LOVES, CHANGE WHO HE IS AND NOT LET HIM KNOW WHAT I DID. ILL KEEP HIM LOCKED IN A ROOM, TAKE HIS BLOOD AND LET HIM WATCH IT CHANGE COLORS, LET HIM THINK HIMSELF A MONSTER. LET HIM HATE HIMSELF AND NOT WANT TO BE NEAR ANYONE WITH THE FEAR OF HURTING ANYONE HES NEAR! SOMEONE ELSE WILL EVENTUALLY TELL HIM WHAT HE IS, RIGHT?!"

You pace in a circle, watching the ground, not noticing the strong winds, the rain, the loud booming. The wind gets stronger and the ground begins shaking, but you're so mesmerized with hating yourself and Fury that nothing comes to notice.

"Maybe I will destroy his entire FUCKING LIFE!!" You scream, raising your hands to your head and tearing them back down. The ground shakes harder and that's when you look up. Natasha struggles to stand, the strong winds being no help. But somehow none of it affected you. You rush over to Natasha.

"What the hell is happening?" You help her up, her arm over your shoulders and yours around her waist.

"Your anger..." she stopped, knowing you could figure the rest out.

"You- you mean, I did this? You point to yourself. She nods. "How do I stop it?"

"We have to figure that out, and how far this lasts."

"Well I need to figure it out soon!" You yell over the rumbling of the earth, screaming winds, and pattering rain.

A deafening "crack" explodes through the air, and the ground beneath you and Natasha is gone. You're falling into darkness, no one around, no one aware.

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