The Game is On

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A few minutes after she leaves, Loki appears on the side of you without caution.

"Hello, Summer,"

"Gah! Jesus fuck,"

"Is something wrong?"

"Can't you knock?"

"Why would I need to? Door is open, anyway,"

"I don't care, give me some notice instead of magically appearing next to me,"


"Incoming received," you sigh.

"You're very close to saying it,"


"Telling her,"

You stare at him blankly.

"That you love her?"

"I believe I've already done that,"

"And actually mean it. Full - heartedly,"

"Was I lying last time?"

"No but you thought you were about to die,"


"So when are you going to do it?"

"I'll decide,"


He snapped his fingers and disappeared into thin air. You sigh again and Nat walks in, bearing the snacks.

"What did you get for yourself?"

"Peanut butter sandwich,"

"You really like those,"

"Yeah," she laughs.

"I heard you talking as I was coming down the hall, who was in here?"


"What did he want?"

"To annoy me. What did u hear?"

"Nothing, it was all incoherent,"

"Oh," she hands you the bag of fruit snacks and you tear them opening, blindly grabbing a grape one as she takes a bite into her sandwich.

"Wanna play truth or dare?"

"It's not fun with two people and I don't think I can do many dares yet,"

"I won't give you hard ones, should I go get Wanda, Loki, and some other Avengers?"

"Sure, whoever seems fun,"

As if summoned, Loki appears again, starling both you and Nat. As reflexes, she draws her gun, pointing it at the threat, but lowers it, placing it back in its holder as she sees him.

"What do you want?"

"It's what you want, Ms. Romanoff. Well, maybe it's Summer here, but you wanted more people for Truth or Dare?"

"Do you just sit there listening to us?" she keeps her hand on the gun.



"Anyway, would you like me to bring others?"

"I got it, Loki,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," she heads out the door and down the hall, towards the other Avengers' rooms.

"I'll be on my way," he raised his hand to disappear but you stop him.

"Loki, wait,"


"Please don't say anything to Nat,"

"No, but I know how to get her to say it,"

"Don't make her say anything she doesn't want to,"

"That's just it. She wants to say it all, she just doesn't know how, and is hoping a specific reaction from you,"

"She'll tell me,"

"But when?"

"When she wants, Loki!"

He took a step towards you.

"It's a struggle, watching you to go head over heels for each other and not even get together,"

"Zip it,"

"Really, going through your heads, your memories, you two want each other so bad, but neither of you will take the first step,"


"I wonder how long this will occur before either of you says anything,"


You shoot your head to the doorway, where Nat stands in place with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Leave her alone if she wants to be left alone," Nat steps in, Wanda, Peter, Scott, Thor, Steve, and Tony trailing behind her.

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