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You can't move. You try, nothing holding you down, you're paralyzed. He comes into the room, grabbing you. He places you on a chair in the corner, Nat and Loki still asleep. You try to scream but you can't do that either. He walks over, knife in hand, slowly dragging it across Loki's throat. No sound, no movement, pure death. Again, you try to scream, to cry, to run over and help him, to stop the bleeding, but you can't. You sit there as he walks over to Nat, slowly pressing the knife into her chest. Then again to Wanda, opening her stomach. You just sit and watch. The man turns around, revealing Nick. He snaps his fingers, and like turning off a magnet, you can move, you can scream. But you don't. You just stare, stare at the dead bodies of 3 people you loved. 3 everythings. Fury walks over, pressing the knife to your throat. You allow him to swipe it across your throat. You don't care. You want to be with them. Everything goes black, then white, then you see the room you were in, but it's blurry.


You sit up, waking Nat.

"Woah woah woah, you ok?" Her arm still around you.

You look at her, then to Loki and Wanda, then back at her. You sigh and lean back into the couch.

"What happened?"

"Nightmare," you clear your throat.

"What happened in the nightmare?" She asked.

"We all died,"


You sigh again. "Fury, he killed us all,"

"What, what did he do?"

"Made me watch him slit Loki's throat and shove the same knife in Wanda's and your chests," a tear drains from your eye.

She brings you in for a hug, the motion waking Loki.

"What's going on?" He says groggily.

"Nothing," Nat doesn't look up from your shoulder. He doesn't reply but you can feel his eyes burning into you. You release from the hug,looking at Loki with red puffed eyes.

"Somethings wrong, what is it,"

"Just a nightmare, that's all,"

Nat doesnt release her arms from around you, not even when Loki drapes his arms over you.

You sit there, the thought that Fury is going to walk in any second haunting you. You feel Nat and Loki's love, their happiness, their care. It warms you. The thought fades and you release a breath you didn't realize you were holding.

You get up and they both release you, watching you slowly make your way to the bathroom. Loki tries to get up but Nat pushes him back down.

You enter the bathroom and close the door. You brush your hair and realize you forgot clothing to change into.

"Nat? Can you grab me some clothes and a towel? I forgot them,"

"Yeah, hang on,"  she grunts as she gets up, realizing where she is. "Wanda," she shakes Wanda a little.

"Mm," she groans, "go awayyyy,"

"Wanda, Summer needs clothing and a towel,"

"Back room," she grumbles and points behind her.

"Thank you," Nat walks in the direction Wanda pointed and you stand in the doorway. Loki gets up and walks to you.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He looks down at you from above, his shoulders broad.

"Yes, I'm fine, I'm just gonna shower and try to figure out what to do as in how to get out of here without becoming an experiment,"

"I'm sure we'll find a way," he smiles and you smile back.

Nat comes back with the clothing and a towel, "this was the only stuff that looked abandoned in a way, I didn't want to give you clothing she wears a lot or enjoys,"

Loki walks back to the couch and turns the TV on.

"Yeah, thank you," you take the stuff and turn around to walk into the bathroom. Before you can go, there's a tug on your arm. You turn around and face Nat. She leans into you, bringing her lips to yours. You kiss back and she backs up after a few seconds. Both of you smile, you walk to the bathroom and she walks to the couch.

You turn to see Loki pretending nothing happened, staring at the TV like he didn't see a thing, but you could sense his anger and sadness. You walk into the bathroom and turn the water on. You let it heat up until it burns Satan as you undress.

You get in, slipping on the wet bottom. You fall and your dumbass tries to grab the water. You land with a thud and realize how much you miss a grip pad.

"What was that?" You hear a knock at the door.

"I'm good, just fell, everything's ok," but it wasn't. You look down and see the entire bottom splattered red. You reach for the back of your head but it's not coming from there. Bringing your hand forward, feeling a sticky liquid all down your chest. You feel it oozing from your throat. You open the shower door to take a look in the mirror but nothings there. You reach for your neck again but feel nothing. Looking at the bottom of the shower, it's all white.

"What the hell?" You say to yourself. You can feel a bruise forming on your knee where you actually landed.

You get out of the shower and get dressed, brushing your hair. Exiting the bathroom, everyone is still on the couch watching TV.

"Whatcha watchin'?"

"Extraction," Wanda said keeping her eyes on the TV.

"Sounds cool,"

"It's amazing," Nat said, "it's all action with blood gore and shooting, I love it,"

"Yeah, seems like something you and Loki would like. Wanda I'm surprised you're watching it though, I feel like you're a more 'discovery channel' person,"

"Kinda, I like that too, but honestly, this is really good,"

You go and sit down in the chair you 'died in' during your nightmare last night. You watch the movie, interested almost immediately, though you have no clue what's happening.

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