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"Loki, is anyone else there? That you brought? That you saw?" You ask, understanding the reputation of the planet.

You still had a hard time granting onto the fact that there was a multiverse, many different planets with people like us.

But then again, who does get used to that fact?

"I didn't see anyone, but I think I heard fighting,"

"Are you able to tell who the other person was?"

"By grunts? Who does that, now?"

"I don't know.. I.. Loki, she could die!!"

"You think I don't know that?"

"You gotta take me there,"

"They're not looking to retrieve the soul stone,"

"Or the other person could be someone out there to kill her, or they want the stone, or they're forced to have one go down,"

"We don't know she will be the one to go down,"

"50/50 chance, Loki. Come on, take me, please,"

"I don't—"

"You have to!" I grab his shirt, balling the front in my fist.

"I'll try, but I need the Tesseract,"

"How did you just get there, then?"

"Mind control, I have no clue what I did, Summer, but we'll get her back, I'm sure of it,"


"You have my word," he nods at you.

"Wanda, any chance you know where the Tesseract would be?"

The silent girl shook her head. "Only Bruce would know and he..." she trailed off, looking at the large green blob laying passed out halfway inside the floor, the green slowly fading back to normal.

"Oh... yeah, how long's he normally out?"

"Two hours,"

You curse under your breathe.

"Is there anyone else that could trace it?"

"It's got very low Gamma readings, w—"

"Does time work differently on different planets?"

"That's Hell, Summer. Not Vormir, Asgard... Hell. Time's the same,"

"Yet you're in your thousands, since the beginning on time but here you're only what, 17?"

"It— I don't know,"

"Help me with Banner," you look back at the almost entirely normal human now. A small green tint remains.

Kinda looks like he deflated.

"Got it," Wanda raised her hands. You copied, lifting some concrete chunks from around him, placing them in a pile by Coulson's body.

Banner flies through the air, gently slipping along the walls.

You wan Wanda carry him above your heads, marching out of the room and towards the one he stayed in.

You entered room 221 and covered him with sheets, the green tint gone and only large stretched out and torn shorts covering his lower area.

You close the door behind you, Wanda still in the hall.

"We'll get her back, Summer,"

"Better," you spat, already on your way back to Loki to plan more.

Let me know when he's up. You tell him, still continuing at a steady pace, unlike your heart.

I'm not a doctor.

But can't you sense it?


Then do it!


Don't even.

Wanda catches up behind you just before entering the cafeteria where the fight was.

Everyone is gone, only Loki remains. Even Coulson had been moved.

Why didn't they fight him any more? It's not like they knew that he was under mind control.

"They did, actually. Stark pointed out my eyes,"

"From Emerald to Sapphire to Emerald,"

"Yeah," he stopped, his face growing stern, "he's awake,"


He nods and all three of you race back to room 221.

I know I said I had a cool plan but that changed entirely while writing this. My writing has a mind of its own, and goes off my plot line wayyy too much.

Even with that said, gives me new ideas and I like this new one better... though... I kinda feel bad.

~(not me foreshadowing)~ 🤫

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