Dare or Dare

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Guys I really have to end this story soon, so if the next few chapters are shit forgive me but I haven a million other stories and projects. I have a very good idea for the ending (or so I think) so if you suffer until then, thanks. :) -Author

"Shall be begin?" Thor placed his hammer on the nearest table.

"Are we sure we want to play truth or dare? Maybe would you rather, or-"

"Spin the bottle," Loki glanced at you with a smirk playing on his lips. He was really doing whatever he could, wasn't he?

"Sounds great, but there are big age differences between some of us, and that can get really creepy," Tony waved his hand between himself and you. "Same goes for grandpa over here," he patted Steve on the back.

"Yeah, maybe would you rather but as dares and we pick one?" Nat suggested.

"Like truth or truth except with dares?" Wanda stepped forward, searching for a spot to sit.

"Yeah, I guess,"

"Alright then, hop to it, losers," Carol strode past them and sat down in the center of the floor, beckoning to create a circle.

"Who's going first?" You ask as you all get seated in a circle.

"Well, the game was the red haired lady's idea, why doesn't she go first?" Thor claimed.

"To ask or receive?"

"Your pick,"

"Wanda, dare or dare,"

"Uh, I don't know, I'll go with dare,"

"Funny. Lift someone with your magic or.... hmm," Nat looked around the room, "fly with Carol,"

"I can't keep up with her," she held her hands out, red light emerging around them and Steve as he is lifted from the floor.

"Your turn to ask,"

"Ok. Uhh, Loki? Thor or Hela,"

"Hela, definitely,"



"She destroyed our planet!"

"Actually, you did, after she broke your favorite little toy,"

Thor gave a disgusted look but stayed silent.


"Natasha," he turned to her with a smirk playing on his lips.


"Confess to someone in here, or," you glare at him as he glances at you, ignoring eye contact, "or fight Carol,"

"Why's everything with me?" Carol asks.

"Because you're one of the strongest in here," Steve cuts in.

"How's that fair?" Peter asks, looking to who he assumed was Carol, given her short sentence.

"It's not, but life isn't fair, kid," Tony pats his back.

"Nat, it's still your turn,"

"Confess to who?"

"Confess what?"

"What's Loki mean?"

The avengers ask questions.

For once in life, Scott stays silent entirely. Not a word the whole game.

He stares at you and Nat.

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