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"What did you do, Prince Loki?!" you yell, emphasizing the 'Prince'.

"Calm down, calm down, now, or we'll be caught." He says softly.

"What. Did. You. Do?" You say quietly.

"You'll find out, but we're going to follow Fury, it sounded like he was letting you out. I will be keeping an eye on you,"

"When will I find out what I am?"

"Darling, with my power, I can see the future," he sighs, "you'll find out soon enough,"

"Am I even human,"

"I cannot give you that information," he begins walking. Angrily, you follow.

"Prince L-,"

"Loki, call me Loki,"

"Fine, Loki, where are we going,"

"Back to the cell so we don't get executed,"

"E x e c u t e d ?"

"You heard me," you and Loki return into the cell just before Fury opens the door. You spin around to face him. A woman you don't recognize stands next to him. She looks about your age, maybe a little older. She wears a tight black suit, showing her curves. She has semi- long red wavy hair. She stands with her hand on her hips, weight on only one leg.

"Summer Flores, this is Agent Romanoff, Natasha. She is going to help you." He directs his hand towards Natasha.

"With what?"

"Figure it out." He walked over and pressed a button, opening the glass door. You step out, looking at Natasha and smiling. She gives you a quick smile. You walk towards them, she backs up a little. You look at her confused.

"Romanoff, take her to an open area," she didn't reply, just nodded towards him and beckoning for you to follow.

"We're 3000 feel in the air, where are you going to take me to an open area?"

"Did he really feed you that bullshit? We've been on the ground the whole time, never left,"

"Oh," you think of something to start a conversation, "what brought you here?"

"I'm a trained assassin,"

"Oh," you walk right next to her. "Why's that?"

"Not entirely sure."

"Oh, how old are you?"

"I'm 18, and you're 16, correct?"


"How did you get here?" She turns to you, "Fury refused to tell me,"

"Uh I was caught in the middle of the attack in New York, Loki hit me with Gamma radiation and Tony flew me to safety but didn't get there instead something crashed into him causing him to drop me and that's all I know,"

"That explains not being able to walk. How can you walk now?"

"Uh, Loki healed me."

"Doesn't sound like him. We're here," you were in an open field, the S.H.I.E.L.D. quarters not in sight.

"What are we supposed to do?" You stop walking and look at her.

"I'm supposed to teach you fighting skills and possible help you harness your power."

"What's my power?"

"You don't know? You have destruction magic, and you can sense emotions,"

"Really? Why can't I sense yours?"

"Because you don't know how, and I'm supposed to help you with that. Especially the destruction part so you don't cause some disaster,"

"I- I'm, im capable of that?"

"Sure are, you're going to learn fighting first,"

"Um, ok,"

She gets a knife out,

"Woah, woah, where's that going,"

"I'm going to show you a few things, so follow along," she pulls out a second knife, a pocket knife, and hands it to you.

"Hold it like this," she demonstrates and you follow.

She swings the knife one way, unfolding the knife, then swings the other way, swinging up a bit. You copy.

"There, you just slit their throat. You see that?"

"Um, yeah, I think."

"Don't just think you know what you did. Know."

You nod.


You swing the knife the same ways she demonstrated again.


You repeat the motion again and again.

"That's good, now this," she takes the knife, putting it back in her pocket. She charges at you and you dodge as many hits as you can.

She slams you on the ground and you lay there, breathless, staring up at her.

"There's a lot of training left,"

"Counting on it," you say sarcastically, getting up.

She grabs your wrist once you're up.

"So will I," she smirks, staring deep into your eyes.

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