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You wake up to a man standing next to you. He looks like he's in his 20s-30s, blonde hair, blue eyes. He turns and speaks into his shoulder.

"She's awake," you hear, resting your head back on the pillow.

"Where am I? What happened? How long was I out?"

"Kid, you died like 5 times. You were in and out of consciousness as the nurses performed surgery. They couldn't keep you asleep. What's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember flying with Iron Man, er, Tony Stark," you correct, "something smashed into him. Last thing I heard was him yelling 'kid' and now I'm here,"

A man with an eyepatch enters the room, walking towards you. You tense up. He looks extremely intimidating, and you think he's going to hurt you.

"Miss, I am Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Do you know why you're here, or where you are?" Steve walked out.

"No, but it definitely isn't a hospital," you scan the room looking for clues. "What are you going to do with me?"

"Stark saw you get hit with gamma radiation and rushed over to help you. Most don't make it alive after that. Gamma radiation is extremely powerful and highly dangerous. You being alive after that and the fall, we must find what kept you alive."

"Whatever it was, it shouldn't have." You remark under your breath.

"Don't say that shit about yourself." You blink and keep silent and wait for him to change the subject.

"Anyways, we are in S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, and as soon as you are able to walk we will begin tests." Hearing that, you pull the covers aside and sit up, moving your leg to the edge of the bed.

"Not yet," he holds his hand up.

"Well you said 'when I can stand', I want to know what kept me alive too."

"Have patience. Do you want to be left alone?"

"It doesn't matter to me, but do you have anything to play music on?"

He, too, speaks to his shoulder. 𝙍𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙤. He spoke into a radio on his shoulder,

"Maximoff, bring me a laptop," a minute later, the door opens and a kind-looking girl appears with a nice hp chromebook. She has long brownish hair, wearing a red knee-length jacket and black pants.

"Hello, what's your name?" She asks you.

"I, I'm Summer, and you?"

"Nice name, I'm Wanda," she hands you the laptop. "Would you like me to stay?"

"Sure," you say. She seems like a good person.

"Ok," she smiles and looks at Fury. He walks out of the room.

"Do you have powers?" I ask.

"I do, I can warp reality."

"That sounds really cool,"


"What's it do?"

"Here," she created a red flame around her hands and the laptop, opening it.

"Holy shit,"

She giggles, causing you to smile. "So how's your life?"

"Pretty boring. I never really do much and my school was destroyed not too long ago— I never got an answer for how long I've been here."

"Want me to ask Director Fury?"

"It's ok, I'll ask later,"


I move again, placing my foot on the ground beside the bed, sitting up.

"I don't think that's a good idea,"

"Why not?" You continue by putting your other leg over the edge.

"You had a pretty hard fall, and stayed alive through that, the radiation, and the surgery. You've been through a lot, it's not a good idea, Summer."

"Well it's worth a try, isn't it?" She places her hand on your shoulder, pushing you back. She leans down very close, speaking quietly;

"I can't tell you here, hang on," she leans back up and hovers her hand appropriately 6 inches above your face. Your vision goes red and all of a sudden you're standing in an empty room, empty besides you and Wanda that is.

"Fury can't hear me in the reality world,"

"The what? What is this?"

"I used my powers, bringing up here. You are not really here, this is a vision. I am in your mind."

"O-ok? What can't he hear?"

"Once you can walk, you will become an experiment. You will not be treated as a normal human, but as an extraordinary object. He will value you, keep you hidden until he has use of you."

"How do you know this?"

"I wasn't born with these powers."

"Oh, I'm sorry, can you give your description? And since we're here, what does he see and hear?"

"I've already set a normal discussion, how's life, what you remember, how's family, others,"

"Oh ok,"

"And there was an attack on my home. My twin brother and I were 10. There was an explosion two floors down, a hole sank in the floor. My parents were swept in. My brother and I were trapped under a bed, and a grenade tumbled in front of us, inches from our faces. It read 'Stark'. Every move, every shift in the bricks, I think, 'this will set it off', we waited for 2 days for Stark to kill us. Someone came, pulled us out. They took us to their lab area and experimented on us. Fury was there the whole time. He called us "the Twins" and kept us in cells. We escaped, went to the wrong side, Ultrons side. Later on I realized his intentions, I saw destruction in his mind, world domination. My brother and I transfer back to the Avengers side, he died later that day and I am now an avenger."

You stared at her in silence, mouth hanging open. You wait a minute to say anything.

"How long did he experiment on you?"

"2 years, but we fought and made it hard for him, making it take longer,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be, it's not your fault," she doesn't look at you. "Summer?"


"Are you hungry?"


"What would you like?"

"A peanut butter sandwich is fine, thank you,"

We left the reality world and she went to grab a sandwich.

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