Everlasting Love

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I was really bored of this story for a while but I've gotten back into writing it. With how slow it's going though, and how few more chapters I plan on writing, they may get a little long again. Anyways~ happy 2021. Also~ (this note is 10 months after writing and publishing this chapter) this chapter was all smut but I'm ace and honestly it's the most embarrassing thing I've ever written and I hate it (I wrote this chapter 10 months ago and finished the story 6 months ago and lemme tell ya, my writing is SO much better but I don't write smut so skip this if you don't want second hand embarrassment. I've literally thought about deleting this chapter for the past TEN MONTHS.)

You continue to walk down the hall with Nat. You near her room, your heart thumping in your chest— well no shit it always does that— but you can feel it— it's inside you bro that's normal— and the speed increases, your face heating.

You give Nat an occasional glance, your face still temporarily stained red.

She nudges you inside, letting go of your hand. Your heart sinks as your fingers pull apart, but only to see shes using them to lock the door— a special lock to hold against super strength.

She turns around and faces you.

"Bed," she points, smirking.

You feel your pulse in your stomach... and a bit lower... as you slowly walk towards her bed, taking a seat on the edge.

The seat doesn't last long as she slams you down onto the mattress, connecting her lips with yours aggressively.

You kiss back, her warm tongue dancing around in your mouth.

You push further to do the same.

Her arms move quickly, from your hair, to your face, trailing carefully over your breasts and to the hem of your shirt. She lightly tugs it up, just enough to slip her hands inside and upwards.

You feel her breasts against yours as she's caressing your body, and you ponder around her with your free hands.

How the hell does this thing come off??

You tug on the different linings of her suit that she seemed to enjoy wearing.

Your lips left hers as she leaned up, smiling down on you. You prop yourself on your elbows just before Nat climbs over you, frog - legged on top of you, her knees on the bed.

You can still feel your heavy heart as she smirks again, pressing herself into you and kissing you more.

Your hands lay at her hips, hers lay on your upper waist. Moving down... down... down...

You feel the cool metal of your jean's zipper sliding downwards, her hands trailing down your hips. You arch your back, throwing your arms around her neck for support, hoping it helps to slide them off.

Her lips move from your mouth to your jawline, lining it with kisses that lead to your neck.

Your jeans had been entirely kicked off by the time she nipped at your neck and you still tried to force her suit away.

She moved her hands off of your body, the cold air rushing to take their place, and Nat slowly slides her belt off, unzipping a tiny and almost invisible zipper, pulling it off as hurriedly as possible.

Her lips disconnect from your neck as she slides your shirt off, leaving you both in only a bra and panties.

Her lips meet yours again and you decide it's your turn.

You sit up, pressing yourself into her more. She tried to force you back down, but you refused.

You rolled over, pressing her into the bed as you lay on top of her. You sit exactly as she did, listening in awe as small sounds of pleasure escaped her lips.

Reaching behind you, she unclips your bra in one motion, sliding it over your arms and onto the ground, along with the rest of the clothing items.

Your hands snake down to her panty line, tracing each one all the way around. More sounds escaped as she forced her legs to stay closer together; not fly apart.

You place your thumb over what you knew as the special spot and moved in circles.

Her sounds became louder and her back arched into the air, making you rise over her to admire your work.

With her back arched, you can easily wrap your hands around and unclip one of her last items, so you do, and pull it off.

Her eyes are shut tightly, her lip looking as if it's about to burst open from her teeth digging into it.

You use one hand to grab both of hers, holding them against the bed above her.

Your lower hand moved up to her breasts, her back slowly taking its place against the mattress as her hips rose, giving you a small extra bit of height.

You kiss her again, softly. Lovingly.

That's when she takes her place once more, flipping you over again, but not laying you down, standing you up.

Holding your waist, she pushes you into a wall. You flinch against the cold drywall but lean back into her.

The kiss continues as a soft one, and she runs her hand down, stripping your last article off. As it reaches your feet, you kick it aside.

Your hands, again, trace her breasts, circling the center. You continue moving them up and down her body, exploring everything.

As you could still feel your heartbeat... there... her hands trailed down.


And farther.

And farther.

She cupped your no-no areas— which had recently become hell yes areas— and felt one of her fingers, assuming which one, enter inside you.

A loud moan runs off your tongue as pleasure spikes through your spine. Your head tilts up in delight and you can feel Nat's devilish smile against your neck.

Her finger slowly moved around, not at all matching the speed of her tongue. You grab her shoulders, pressing her into you, both of your bare breasts not allowing much closer movement.

You slid down to her undies and pulled them down, holding her arse and forcing it forward, her breath hitching in the process.

She holds her face a few inches from yours, breathing heavily.

"Summer," she pants.


"I love you," she leans in, kissing you deeply, very, very intimately.

The second she pulls back again you copy her words, your short sentence ending in 'too' and a loud moan as she started moving her finger faster, up and down.

You laid your head on her shoulder, holding her tightly to you and whimpering as her motions continued to grow faster. You lifted your leg, wrapping it around her lower back.

She presses you into the wall, her motions and your sounds still consistent.

* * * * *

You both lay under the covers, completely undressed, sweaty and exhaling on each other. Your head lies in the crook of her neck as he arm is draped across your back, and her leg is thrown over yours. She runs her hand through your damp, long hair and smiles, kissing the top of your head.

"Night, Summer,"


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