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It pulls you down, more and more. You hit it with rocks, boulders, throw dirt in its eyes, which appeared as holes in its skull. Nothing seemed to slow it. You can barely hear Nat screaming your name anymore, you're so far down.

You don't stop kicking, not for a minute. Every shift makes its talons dig deeper into your invisible legs. You can't see your hand in front of your face, yet you can slightly see the things around you. It walks backwards, facing you. You look past it to see a small flame. It grows as you near it. More and more flames appear, all connected to a wall.

Tunnels this deep in the earth made by disgusting creatures. You attempt to collapse it, but it's too much. You rage at the monster, thrashing with everything you have. You kick it right in its ribs that showed through its crimson stained fur. You shut your eyes tightly, as you're in the cave and the dirt still falls with your anger.

The grip releases from your ankles and appears on your wrists. You force your eyes open, staring at a second creature. It lowers its head towards your wrist, sniffing you, listening to your panicked breathing and pulse.

It opens its jaw, clamping down on your forearm. You let a scream escape your throat, tensing everything in your body. You freeze in horror as it's head releases from its body, still connected to your arm. The rest of it fall in a heap to the ground.

You peel the dismembered skull off of your arm and run. You keep running, the dirt rising behind you, creating a curtain that somewhat hides you. One of the beasts chases you, rocks slowing it down in the slightest bit while a lager Boulder comes up behind you.

You jump, landing on the Boulder as it continues flying. You lose your balance but gain it again, zooming down a tunnel on a rock. You lose directions and frantically make a choice, left or right. You turn left, entering a corridor full of bodies. You see hundreds of corpses, most rotted away.

You freeze, staring it terror when you recognize your father.

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