The Edge

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The world around you begins to move. But not the same way... something is much different. Like the earth is glitching, different colored outlines appear around things, fading seconds later.

You hold your head and try to squeeze your eyes shut but fail, glued to the railing as it glitches under your fingers.

"Are you guys seeing this?" Bruce asks, his hands appearing on the rail near yours.


"What is it?" Wanda whispers.

Before there was an answer, the bright daylight that had surrounded you seconds before was gone and everything was purple. Different shades all around.

You look around, anything to find where you are. You blink and pinch yourself, but nothing happens.

"Hello?" You call out.


A large purple steeple catches your eye, as if it was made out of stone and had two large columns coming from the top.

"No..." you whisper to yourself, shaking your head. "Hello?!" You scream louder, spinning around for any signs of life.


You unwillingly draw yourself closer to the large stones, both feet moving in front of you.

Life seems to move slowly as you make your way forward, the large stones becoming larger until the top is invisible from the cliff edges.

Finding a way to climb up, you circle around and grab rocks that look semi-stable.

Something told you to climb, yet you don't know what. You wanted to leave, to find Bruce, Loki, and Wanda and ask what the hell they did, but your mind refused. It refused because it knew Nat was here, and that you had to find her.

"Nat!" You yell, the wind carrying your voice as you climb higher.

A rock slips beneath your foot and it falls to the ground, a large scrape covering your shin.

You lift your hand, trying to pull a rock up from the ground to carry you up but your powers are useless as you can work with the earth.

And this definitely wasn't earth, it was a bad, inhabitable planet that you knew well.

"Natasha!" You call out again, groaning as you continue to force yourself up. Pain shot through your leg and the wind deafened you, making the mission look useless and impossible.

It seemed like hours that you had put one hand in front of the other, pulling yourself up and dropping rocks beneath.

Your hand slides across a rock, losing grasp and falling to your side. You nearly lose balance as your other hand falters against the cold stone but you hold tight, kicking up.

Your fingers curl over the next rock and you pull up, vision going from a rocky cliff to a flat ground.

The top of Vormir has been reached.

You look around as you get your feet onto the flat purple stone, more tears in your suit than you remember gaining. A lot of skin showing and the fabric around it was soaked in blood from cuts and scrapes you don't recall.

A woman sits against one of the stone pillars, her head in her hands and chains around her wrists. A black cloak hovers beside, no face visible.

"Hello?" You yell, the wind still reaching high speeds. You step forward, stumbling with the newly found pain in your leg. Forcing yourself to continue, you make their way towards them, though your call had fallen silent.

"Who are you?!" You yell, both the woman and the black cloak dude facing you.

Your eyes are too stuck on the cloaked thing to focus on the woman.

His face— his skull— was red, he had no nose, and matched the description of one of Steve's stories.

"Red Skull?" You whisper to yourself.

"Summer?" The woman's familiar voice carries through the wind, along with the rattling of chains.

"Nat?" You look at her, your eyes widening. She had been unrecognizable, scars, dirt, and different hair changing her.

She tugs at the chains but fails to be released and you stumble towards her, not bothering to watch Red Skull calmly float away.

"How the hell did you get here?" She asks as you try the chains.

"I have no idea. The world glitched, and— and— then I was here. Are you hurt?"

"Better, now that you're here."

"My God," the chains snap and she rubs her wrists, throwing her arms around you, her red hair flowing. It had been much longer than before, and her suit— like yours— was torn in many places.

"You." Red Skulls voice carried beside you. You spin around, an arm still at Nat's waist.


"You know what you must do."

"We're not here for the Soul Stone. If you'd please just make a passageway or contact Mr. Strange, we'd gladly leave your little planet."

"No can do."

You exchange a glance with Nat.

"Why not?"

"Two may not leave this planet of mine. Only the one. I do not get to decide for you."


"Excuse me?"

"I said—!"


You look at Nat, who has tears in her eyes. You shake your head at her, placing a hand on her cheek.

"I'm not letting this happen."

"We have to."

Red Skull disappeared, leaving you alone with Natasha.


She nodded, giving a teary smile.

"No, you can't go. Neither can I. We're in this together, always, remember?"

"Together isn't forever. Nothing is, Summer." Tears rolled down her face but she continued smiling. You pulled her face towards yours, letting your tongue slide freely through her lips. Both of you stood there for maybe seconds, maybe hours. However long it was, you likely made Red Skull uncomfortable.

As the kids ended, she pushed both your hands off and raced for the edge.

"Nat!" You run after her, ignoring the searing pain in the wound of your leg.

In one thrust, your body leaps forward and you're able to grab her ankle, forcing her to the ground. You step in front of her and continue the path to the edge but she pulls you back, running in front of you in the same manner. You tackle her to the ground, pinning her shoulders into the stone.

Before anyone can say anything, you jump up and get closer the the cliffs edge, the one that was very lethal to any human.

The edge is right in front of you and your feet leave the ground.

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