Blue Eyes

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*5 hours later*

The loud clambers of constant crashing folks the echoes around the room, along with the Avengers flying around, fighting one figure.


S.H.I.E.L.D. involves itself, bringing weapons with mass destruction.

"Lower your weapons!" Fury speaks into a megaphone, speaking directly to Loki.

The black haired man leaps towards you, pinning you into the wall and pointing his scepter directly at your heart.

A blue electrical fire forms around it, matching his eyes.

His eyes.

Aren't they emerald?

"I'm going to finish what I started years ago,"

"Loki! It's not you, don't do this!" You yell over the crashing and groaning of other Avengers and agents.

"Oh, but you're right. And Loki, who's trapped in my mind, screaming to escape? He's begging for me not to do this. But I've told him to say goodbye, you should do the same,"

He presses the scepter father into your chest, drawing blood. You feel the power seeping into you, draining you.

You spread your hand by your side, tearing a weapon from an agents hands, quickly bringing it closer to your hand.

"Put the scepter down," you point the weapon at him, staring into his eyes which are blue now.

Drugs? Poison? Magic?

Before you can blink, Loki is blown aside. You look in the opposite direction to see an agent on the ground with a weapon in his lap, pointed where Loki was.

"So that's what that does," he mumbles, a small amount of blood dripping from his mouth.

Fury runs over, kneeling beside him.

You look back to Loki, laying on the ground in what seemed to be shock.

Kicking the scepter backwards, you point your weapon at the blue eyed bastard.

"What are you doing? Why?" You ask.

He sits up and you take a few steps backward, keeping the murder device steady.

You repeat your question.

"Because I can,"

"Where's Loki?"

He points to his skull, tapping it twice with a smug smile on his face.

"Maximoff?" You call, searching the room for the longer red haired female.

You spot her, unsteadily standing against the wall, arms folded over her stomach and her face held in one of pain. She looks up at you when she hears her name, nodding for your intention.

She stumbles over, slowly but surely.

"You'll never win," Loki growls.

"Then neither will you,"

Wanda waves her fingers above Loki's forehead, his eyes transforming slowly from blue to red and back to their usual emerald green.

Loki breathes heavily, the dullness of the darker green shades fading to lighter, giving them an extravagant, luminous glow once more.


"Yeah, it's me," he presses his hand to his forehead, putting pressure on it.

"Do you remember what you did with Nat? Where she might be?"

"No idea, she's on a different planet, though. It was dark, I couldn't look around because he didn't let me, so I didn't see much,"

"What could you see?"


"What color?"

"Purple and blue glow, two large steep, very rectangular stones sticking out of one area,"


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